Greg Nayer


— Greg Nayer Report User
You go you sick little robot puppy 3 comments
zombieboi · 5 years ago
Actually it’s a robot reading a book.
Tip on how to skip work 3 comments
zombieboi · 6 years ago
No problem mate. I've got the whole day to spare.
No words for this. 21 comments
zombieboi · 7 years ago
So you're agreeing that it's an irresponsible thing to do?
No words for this. 21 comments
zombieboi · 7 years ago
Let's just assume that it's a very well trained dog and a very untrained kid for the sake of argument. Why might not be the case.
1. Why are you training the dog better than you train your own kid?
2. Even well trained dogs act unexpectedly sometimes e.g. chasing an animal or a being aggressive to threats.
3. There are other methods to prevent your kids from stealthily vanishing in a second e.g. holding their hands, keeping you eyes on them, tying a balloon to their hand, making them wear squeaky shoes etc.
4. You don't put a leash on a puppy or kitten, right? Then why are you putting it on a toddler?
5. Who treats their pet better than their own kid? I'm not saying humans are better than animals, but it's bizarre how welcoming it is to treat a kid in a way we dislike treating an animal. We feel sorry for putting an animal on a leash but it's awesome if we put it on a toddler??
I don't know man, maybe I'm weird, but this is just messed up.
No words for this. 21 comments
zombieboi · 7 years ago
The amount of people here thinking this is normal is too damn high.
OhmyGod 4 comments
zombieboi · 8 years ago
So I guess OP is still correct
OhmyGod 4 comments
zombieboi · 8 years ago
But there's no past tense for hurt as a verb, right?
Trust me, I'm an Engineer. 9 comments
zombieboi · 9 years ago
What game is it? Looks fun.
Trust me, I'm an Engineer. 9 comments
zombieboi · 9 years ago
Is that from a game?
"yes, and you'll even have a view from your bath tubs" 2 comments
zombieboi · 11 years ago
In case anyone's wondering, this is at Bora Bora
Lamborghini braking at high speeds causes it to glow red hot 6 comments
zombieboi · 11 years ago
Tron is blue. But yeah, like Tron.
Visions of hell 19 comments
zombieboi · 11 years ago
Well someone's on their period.
Oh hot reservoir, this is my jelly 4 comments
zombieboi · 11 years ago
It's from a song. Oh hot damn, this is my, jam – In the Ayer by Flo Rida.
Why internet, why? 5 comments
zombieboi · 12 years ago
I think I'm gonna have nightmares.