Warning: Feels Post Ahead! 23 comments
· 11 years ago
Awesome feels
Awesome Piano Doorbell 7 comments
Donut and taco palace 4 comments
· 11 years ago
There was a Winchell's Donuts in my home town that started selling deep fried burritos because, you know, they had a deep fryer right there... We couldn't decide which was stranger, burrito flavored donuts or donut flavored burritos.
Mark Twain was one of us 3 comments
Who needs logic? 5 comments
It's crazy to think about it 13 comments
The answer to the answer of life 16 comments
· 11 years ago
But the real problem is that we don't fully understand the question, so the answer doesn't seem to make sense.
Why I started working out 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Uhm, you realize exercise is only likely to help with one of those things right? You aren't going to push-up your way out of a gun fight.
I originally typed exorcising, which is unlikely to help any of those things.
I originally typed exorcising, which is unlikely to help any of those things.
How to clear a room filled with smoke (caused by cooking) 8 comments
· 11 years ago
"Caused by cooking." Yes... cooking... it was cooking that filled the room with smoke.
That moment when you need a hug 23 comments
When I ask a simple yes or no question and get a 5 minute long answer.. 8 comments
· 11 years ago
They had a team of engineers and artists just working on her hair for three years. It was totally worth it. (Not sarcasm)
When cats discover new things 5 comments
At the top of a rollercoaster 12 comments
· 11 years ago
I think you nailed it, the colors are right for Montu and that looks like an Immelmann. I didn't recognize SheiKra from that distance but it's about in the right place.
Coolest party 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Definitive proof against traveling back in time, what time traveler wouldn't go to a Stephen Hawking party?
What is normal....There is no such thing 6 comments
How can older people expect respect if they treat all teenagers like crap? 21 comments
· 11 years ago
Fair enough. I'll also point out that growing older doesn't make people stop being asses, it just makes them subtler about it. A young jerk is likely to grow into an old jerk. And some old people resent the young just for being young, which isn't fair but it's true. I don't feel that way because I was an idiot when I was young and would rather not do that again.
But...there's people 5 comments
· 11 years ago
"You didn't clean your room this weekend, so you're going to a party tonight!" I'm SO glad my parents never figured out social interaction as a form of punishment.
He's too british 9 comments
· 11 years ago
"I begin every sentence with an apology.
Sorry that's the case. That's just British policy.
Probably the case with everything, possibly.
I use ten words when two would do, honestly.
I'm British." - Professor Elemental
He also has a song titled "Cup Of Brown Joy" about tea.
Sorry that's the case. That's just British policy.
Probably the case with everything, possibly.
I use ten words when two would do, honestly.
I'm British." - Professor Elemental
He also has a song titled "Cup Of Brown Joy" about tea.
How can older people expect respect if they treat all teenagers like crap? 21 comments
· 11 years ago
Fair enough, but then don't complain about people not getting your full intentions.
Socks 28 comments
· 11 years ago
It's not saying socks, it's spelling it out loud, s.o.c.k.s, which sounds like "eso si que es", which translates (via google) to "that's is". Hmmm.