I don't play the trumpet, but I'm pretty sure this is wrong 5 comments
· 11 years ago
Wow, a statue of a throat trumpeter. It's a lost art.
Will Ferrell says 26 comments
· 11 years ago
It's strange but true that most of the tv you remember from your youth is stuff from the previous decade. This is because kids tend to watch a lot of early morning and afternoon tv, and thats when the reruns are on. Most of the tv I remember from being a kid in the 70's was from the 60's (Gilligan's Island, Star Trek etc. etc.), though I was only alive for 3 years in the 60's.
Shorts pricing logic 14 comments
· 11 years ago
Depends on your point of view. As a buyer, it has less fabric, it doesn't make sense. As a seller, if people will pay the same price, it makes perfect sense.
I bet she does 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Really? These women look like they're in their early twenties, how long should they wait to learn these things? Also, it's 1929, if they had a kid when they were 30, say 1939, then that kid would be 74 now. If that kid had a kid when they were 30 it would be 44 now. I think you can safely say these women could be great, great grandmothers without any sluttery involved.
Sluttery is a word. I like it.
Sluttery is a word. I like it.
I bet she does 9 comments
The trending page recently 10 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm sure you have a PS4 and have played many games on it so you can back up your stance...
Not sure if burnt or just art 8 comments
· 11 years ago
If it's in a gallery, then it's art. If it's on the side of the road, it's trash.
Spider best friends 13 comments
· 11 years ago
It thought it was helping out, doing you favors by getting rid of flies and other desease spreading insects. Then you murdered it.
The king has returned 14 comments
· 11 years ago
Ok, seriously, the XBox 360 is 2005 technology. It won the last generation console war, there's no one (no one sane) who can seriously argue against that. But for the PS4 with its 2013 specs to NOT be better than the 360 it would literally have to burst into flames and start killing people. As far as PS4 Vs. One, there's no doubt Sony gave Microsoft a solid hit to the chin at E3 but until the boxes are in peoples homes and the games start rolling out I'm going to wait and see.
Killing a mosquito with pure badassness 10 comments
· 11 years ago
It can be done, it involves trapping the proboscis in your skin somehow so it can't pull out. You can Google it.
Once I was in fencing class waiting for my next match when a mosquito starting bugging me. Bored, I put on my mask and challenged it. It made a few good feints, then I slashed and nailed it. It "pinged" up into the air, then fell dead at my feet like something out of an Errol Flynn movie. I saluted it and took off my mask, feeling like a badass and looking around. But nobody had been paying any attention, my heroics went unsung that day.
Once I was in fencing class waiting for my next match when a mosquito starting bugging me. Bored, I put on my mask and challenged it. It made a few good feints, then I slashed and nailed it. It "pinged" up into the air, then fell dead at my feet like something out of an Errol Flynn movie. I saluted it and took off my mask, feeling like a badass and looking around. But nobody had been paying any attention, my heroics went unsung that day.
Accident with his new Ferrari 9 comments
With the ongoing console wars lately 2 comments
· 11 years ago
Now I'm going to hear "WiiU WiiU WiiU" every time I hear sirens, and I live near a police station. Thanks for that.
I'm not even sure if I'm being sarcastic or not.
I'm not even sure if I'm being sarcastic or not.
Started playing my PS2 again saw this 4 comments
· 11 years ago
I still have my original hooked in, because some of the old games I occasionally like playing (Ratchet and Clank, Shadow of the Colossus) have frame-rate issues with the software emulator on the PS3. Looks like I'm going to have 3 of them lined up soon.
In case your camera gets stolen 13 comments
Drag queens, yeah! 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Well, I grew up and have always lived in the SF Bay Area and for a number of years I did live theater as a lighting technician, electrician and stage crew. It would be very hard to move in those circles and NOT get to know at least a couple of drag queens. And they generally hang out in great bars.
Superman saves the day! 11 comments
· 11 years ago
The Westboro Baptist Church is offensive to Christians, and just about everyone else.