Try figuring this out 20 comments
· 11 years ago
The bus is going down because it's falling, as it is hanging in midair.
Phone upgrade in Tony Stark's presence 4 comments
Chasing perfection 18 comments
· 11 years ago
Was that sarcasm, because if it wasn't I think you need to look up what "famous" means. Very rarely do famous and big-deal not go hand in hand.
This device lets you spot bumps on the road at night while cycling 7 comments
· 11 years ago
That's pretty darn cool, but too small. The way I ride it'd barely give me time to think "OH SHI...!" just before I went over the handlebars.
One directions fans 51 comments
· 11 years ago
We're all ignoring the fact that the guy in the suit is a real badass, holding that gate closed with one hand like it's no big deal.
Eat healthy! 5 comments
· 11 years ago
Congratulations! You made a healthy food look like an unhealthy food, pleasing neither the people who don't want fries nor the people who were hoping for fries.
An iPhone being burned with a butane lighter 7 comments
'Murican breakfast 22 comments
· 11 years ago
This is lunch. For breakfast the steaks would be chicken fried, slathered in sausage gravy, and covered in a layer of crispy hash-browns and fried eggs in addition to the bread, bacon, cheese, and BBQ sauce.
And now I'm hungry.
Edited 11 years ago
And now I'm hungry.
Cool way of creating amazing lamps 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Evidently I wasn't snarky enough to trigger the sarcasm detectors. Mea culpa.
Don't be stupid when naming things ingame 9 comments
Cool way of creating amazing lamps 8 comments
He's a quick learner 2 comments
· 11 years ago
Don't let his seeming ease fool you, it takes years of practice to pull off a pose like that. This guy is a professional in a controlled environment with coaches just off screen, don't try it yourself without some training.
Edited 11 years ago
Actors who started out as cheerleaders 17 comments
· 11 years ago
*sigh* the trouble with gender specific titles comes when referring to mixed groups. "The _____ in Office Space work well together." The default in english is to use the historically male gender specific plural, "actors", which is sexist. We also default to the male title when the gender is not known, "They haven't cast an actor for the roll yet". To fix this we either have to always use both plurals "actor(s) and/or actress(es)" when referring to mixed groups and unknowns or remove the gender bias from the current default "actor".
Batspider 6 comments
Don't mess with johnny depp 8 comments
Good guy 90's people 9 comments
· 11 years ago
We had a special device shaped like a car that was just for rewinding tapes, so we could rewind the last tape while watching the next one. We were so high tech!
How to tell if your cat is mad at you 6 comments
If the world lost oxygen for 5 seconds 28 comments
Fun fact about wow 5 comments
· 11 years ago
That's not true! Several characters in Skyrim are happy to see me! They tell me so! *runs away crying*
If the world lost oxygen for 5 seconds 28 comments
· 11 years ago
Many casinos pump extra oxygen into the air to keep people feeling happier. My grandfather would get spry and active in casinos and we just figured he really enjoyed gambling until a cocktail waitress told us about the extra oxygen.
Cold war era spy tools 8 comments
· 11 years ago
You no longer feel save[sic] after looking at spy equipment from the 60's? Ah, naivety.
When you realise you're being f*cked with 5 comments
Whenever the kraken is nowhere to be found 3 comments
· 11 years ago
This is awesome! I want the Quacken in the next Revenge of the Titans film, it can only make them better.