We are one, we are many, we share experiences, yet miss out on everything.
— The letter z Report User
Pro move 2 comments
· 2 years ago
How is that a lesbian thing, sounds more like a viking proposal more than anything; but we gotta make it LGBT ig
I'll just move into the kitchen 4 comments
In fairness, I think we'd all watch this 5 comments
It's reasonable to be angry. 53 comments
· 3 years ago
Tbf I don't know why @scatmandingo is hard defending any gov ever, they are all corrupt and want nothing but money and power. They do not care about us; it's been proven time and time again; especially with how hard they control the media to create people to defend them. They will end interviews early and tag you as this month's hot word whether it be "racist" or "homophobe" because you broke the narrative. It's crazy how anyone can defend any sort of government
Humans be like 6 comments
· 3 years ago
Lobsters don't have a huge spike on their tail that is usually associated with poison strong enough to kill a man in 1 sting
The Non-Essential Artist 7 comments
· 3 years ago
Life would suck without doctors, garbage men etc, I for one support defunding online artists
Oh, you silly 3 comments
· 3 years ago
My only problem is I live with my gf who is unable to work (moved countries so in the process of becoming able to work). And while 80 hours a week on my 12 hour night shifts rakes me some good money, it's not fair to her or my family. I did that amount of work for half a year and fell out of contact with my family, and was miserable, I get the mentality of "gotta do what you gotta do" but hours like that are never worth it. I enjoy the shit put of my job; but after that "grind" I lost nearly a year of my life, just to be comfortable for that half a year, issue is working that much you can't enjoy it.
I'm NoT a BaD pErSoN, I just play one in real life 17 comments
· 3 years ago
They don't talk about him being anti white tho because it doesn't fit the news narrative. Other way around we'd have literal riots lolol
Happy International Mens Day 15 comments
· 3 years ago
It's a reality most feminists aren't ready to face. Equality doesn't mean oppressing the ones you're trying to be equal with. Equal treatment means you get no special treatment whatsoever.
Happy International Mens Day 15 comments
· 3 years ago
Men stay winning, we don't need to acknowledge the day because we don't need special treatment to feel good
Happy International Mens Day 15 comments
· 3 years ago
They don't equality they want special treatment and whine when we treat them as equals
Unbiasedness 5 comments
I'll take tonight 10 comments
· 3 years ago
Not really, modern society has completely demolished intimacy to the point were literally anything goes. Shits all fucked.
I'll take tonight 10 comments
· 3 years ago
When a guy marries 5 women in 3rd world countries he is regarded as a monster, but when a girl gets 5 guys to bone them they're a hero in lgtb eyes because it's the new poly varient
Happy Father’s Day to all dads out there! 5 comments
Happy Father’s Day to all dads out there! 5 comments