Language barriers 4 comments
· 6 years ago
I thought this was some sort of face swap! 9 comments
Same 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Yea got my 2 year old some power wheels. Remember being a kid and wanting them sooooo bad. Next door neighbors had them, but they were like 4 sisters, never got a turn and my parents were like hahaha nope.
When your child leaves the room 9 comments
Happened a few minutes ago, I'm still like wtf. Consumerism at its finest I guess? 22 comments
· 7 years ago
Giving to charity or causes is a great wealth strategy, as well as a wonderful thing to do (giving back). Don't let your parents discourage you from doing that, especially since your are mindfully giving. We all have to be careful about the money habits that we pick up from our caregivers that do not serve our highest good. Their money beliefs can block our abundance. Do your own research on good money habits...and kudos...mindfully giving back is definitely one of them.
i dont feel nice now 29 comments
· 7 years ago
Racism is not synonymous with prejudice. You can be prejudice and not racist, because the concept of racism is based on political and institutional control and power. Racism is based on the concept of Disenfranchising a group of people based on their race...because you can. That's why. So if white people say they don't like black people, they can continue to perpetrate harmful racist practices ie. Not giving someone a loan because they are black, lynching, giving them longer prison sentences, not accepting them into school, sub-par health care, creating toxic stereotypes about them in media...etc. If black people say they don't like white doesn't imped white people's way of life in anyway....especially as a whole
Vaccinate your kids you barbarians 57 comments
· 8 years ago
Instead of playing #teamvaccines vs #teamnovaccines why don't we work together to demand that they create safer vaccines.....?