So do Ivy and Harley have a ship name or 23 comments
· 8 years ago
So do Ivy and Harley have a ship name or 23 comments
· 8 years ago
Batman knows in his heart of hearts, that he wants to get a rash on a certain part of his body ;)
So do Ivy and Harley have a ship name or 23 comments
Only in America 3 comments
ahahahaha great idea 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah but just because the guy is a creep doesn't mean his mom deserves to see a pic of his Dick (the worst possible outcome) sure he would think twice the next time, but his mom has to live the rest of her life with the image of her son's dick in her brain. If you're going to do something that fucked up, at least do it to the dad, he won't be as scarred.
Follow this hairstyle instead 13 comments
· 8 years ago
Honestly, I think I just found a way to punish my kids. Give them this hair cut.
*horrified gasping* 11 comments
ahahahaha great idea 19 comments
This arrived in the mail from my aunt with no explanation 15 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah, it was a joke on all the people who take religion too seriously.
His junk crushed his Olympic Dreams 21 comments
· 8 years ago
Well I wouldn't have that problem.. I mean, I'd have that problem big time. Like, crazy BIG time. My penis would obliterate that bar. Yeah.. Ask my ex-girlfriends, they would say, "his penis is humongous and would destroy anything that gets in his path".. Who am I kidding, my penis is tiny :(
American right now 10 comments
· 8 years ago
The USA is doomed. I truly hope we're all wrong, but yeah. I mean Donald Trump as an actual possibility? Do you remember when we all thought that was a joke? It's actually a possibility now.. And the other candidate isn't that great. I really hope I'm wrong but I don't think we'll benefit when it comes to either of them. Of course, I'm not really
political, but for once in my life, I'm worried about who's president..
Edited 8 years ago
political, but for once in my life, I'm worried about who's president..
Is this what happens when old people get wifi? 18 comments
· 8 years ago
Yes, I would say he himself
should verify but I understand why he trusted his team. I mean, it's his team.. But, he is a terrible person. Maybe not so much now (maybe he is) but he definitely was (probably still is).
should verify but I understand why he trusted his team. I mean, it's his team.. But, he is a terrible person. Maybe not so much now (maybe he is) but he definitely was (probably still is).
We will have parks instead of cemeteries 21 comments
· 8 years ago
The dead are dead. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be dead in a sweet ass park than in a cemetery.
How about just being who you are? 123 comments
· 8 years ago
There's 77 comments at this point, so I don't know if anybody will ever read this, and there's a possibility that somebody even said this in the 77 comments. Sorry, but I'm not looking through 77 comments to figure that out. To me, people should be exactly who they feel they should be. Labels suck in my opinion, just because there's so many of them that even if you say what label you are, for the majority of the time people won't even know what you're talking about. People are ignorant, even I don't know all the labels that people call themselves nowadays or even what they mean. Is it insensitive that I don't know what these labels mean? I don't think so, I just think there's too many damn labels nowadays. Be who you want to be, drop the label or keep it, it doesn't matter to me but don't get mad when someone doesn't understand what you're talking about when you refer to yourself as a certain label.
Is this what happens when old people get wifi? 18 comments
· 8 years ago
He is, look up videos on youtube. There's plenty, which should tell you something in of itself.
Edited 8 years ago
Perfect man 3 comments
Tales of a dominos delivery driver 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Well, my story isn't as crazy as the others, but we had an online delivery with the instructions to draw a dragon on the box... Which I then looked up a picture of a dragon on Google and then I drew that Dragon on the box. I took my time with it, and it looked pretty good. But whenever I delivered it they didn't say anything about it and it kind of sucked.
Is this what happens when old people get wifi? 18 comments
· 8 years ago
I thought this was the same guy. He seems like a very likable, awesome old man. Keemstar directed so much hate his way. He took it like a champ even though all the accusations were false. It gets me every time I see the video of him crying about it. Yes, Keemstar admitted he was wrong, but he should've done enough research in the first place.
This arrived in the mail from my aunt with no explanation 15 comments
· 8 years ago
Worshipped? Are you fucking serious!? Is she the lord and savior of us all? Does she fill everyone with enlightenment? Did she create the fucking universe? Jesus almighty, I'm completely joking lol take it easy on me.
He's not overreacting at all 4 comments
Imagination has no limits 5 comments
· 8 years ago
The only problem is everyone he takes a picture of always looks stoned.