This will save us! 8 comments
· 9 years ago
"Hi Steve nice to meet you Steve how are you Steve what lovely weather we're having today Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve"
Mature 8 comments
But who's more scared? 5 comments
But who's more scared? 5 comments
Phonetic alphabet, memorize it, use it, you can thank me later 17 comments
· 9 years ago
It's a way to help the person you're talking to know exactly what you're saying. For instance.. When police radio a license plate number over it can be hard to hear what they're saying so instead of saying d as in dog, they say delta. Instead of saying b as in boy, they say bravo and so on.
How americans speak english 5 comments
· 9 years ago
So if you see a rainbow, know that somewhere the devil is beating his wife.
Guilt trip 4 comments
Asked the pizza guy to write a joke inside the box 15 comments
· 9 years ago
When I used to deliver pizzas one time they asked me to draw a dragon on the box. I drew a pretty sick dragon and even colored it in. I have a pic on my old phone and I'll try to find it but when I delivered it the guy didn't care at all. He wasn't the one who requested it. It made me sad.
The intruder 52 comments
· 9 years ago
I've experienced this before. At least twice from my memory.. Just imagine, you just woke up for no known reason. You can't move, you can't speak (literally, you try but you can't do either) and you not only see out of the corner of your eye, but you feel a dark presence there.. The scariest thing I've ever been through. The last time I was in my 20's. I hope I never experience it again..
clever Moscow dogs:) 8 comments
Happy cows, first time out in months 18 comments
I'm getting sick of this new 'fad'. 13 comments
Buck 2 comments
How do you do, fellow avengers? 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Steve Buscemi- Captain America
Weird Al- Thor
Gilbert Gottfried- Iron Man
Jim Gaffigan- Hulk
Weird Al- Thor
Gilbert Gottfried- Iron Man
Jim Gaffigan- Hulk
Its a wonderful life 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Probably The Rage: Carrie 2. Near the end of the movie. That's what I thought of.
Edited 9 years ago
A little question for the president of the United States in 2020 7 comments
· 9 years ago
*Kayne takes the mic out of the President's hands* "The President is not a gay fish. I am a gay fish! I would recognize if he were like me because I am a genius!" *drops mic instead of handing it back to the president*