Stupidity never ends 4 comments
· 9 years ago
She wants dem babies.
Just wolverine giving Vegemite advice 15 comments
Arizona 11 comments
· 9 years ago
When I visited Arizona a few years ago it reached a record high of 122 or 123 F. It was obviously very hot in the direct sunlight but in the shade it was nothing. Came back to TX where it's only 98 F and humid as fuck.. I wanted to die.
Me irl 5 comments
George R.R. Martin response to the drama 14 comments
Make it enough 5 comments
Can we get some recognition for this cosplayer that's a tad too dedicated 18 comments
· 9 years ago
You say clearly wearing blue but the only clear blue thing I see is beside his leg, and you can't really see what it is. Besides, the pants don't match at all.
Sharks are so being misunderstood 35 comments
Can we get some recognition for this cosplayer that's a tad too dedicated 18 comments
· 9 years ago
You can't tell what waistband he's wearing. It could be Ezio, but it's not Connor nor Edward. It's probably not even based on a certain one.
Edited 9 years ago
A good workout routine to start your day 26 comments
Not all Super-heroes wear capes 8 comments
· 9 years ago
That's just irresponsible. They make extra large pizza carrying bags for a reason.
Me all the time 5 comments
· 9 years ago
I've been binge watching whatever episodes come on tv. Usually I'll only watch a show if I get to watch all the episodes in order. This show is too great to wait. I'm actually watching an episode right now.
somebody is really bad at math here. 11 comments
Spider-Man 2 was awesome 9 comments
I'd Mario the shit out of that place 8 comments
Teenage wasteland 3 comments
· 9 years ago
The internet and phone went out at my work the other night. I work at a hotel. I called the support line and this service guy told me to look for a box, not a router, but a box and let him know what lights were on and off. There were 2 routers and I asked him about those but he said they weren't what he was talking about. He asked if he should send a technician. I told him to wait and I'll call back. I reset the routers and problem solved..
They deleted my picture last time. Here we go 40 comments
· 9 years ago
For my Junior prom, pretty much every friend of mine was invited to join one friend in a limo their parents rented except for me. Well me and my date actually ended up at the same exact restaurant before prom. We were there first and then I see all my friends and their dates come in and go up to the 2nd story to a big table passing us on their way. It kind of sucked until one of them came down and asked us to join their table. Honestly, that was the best part of prom for me.
17 comics in one drawing, can you find all? 18 comments
You know nothing Jon Snow 8 comments
· 9 years ago
The thing about Jon Snow is that he always saw the bigger picture. He never saw what his actions brought to his allies. He saw a huge war coming between the human race and the white walkers, and that he needed to try to unite the human race to stand a chance. What he didn't see is the pain it caused the Night's Watch to bring in an enemy they've been fighting forever to fight with them against another enemy who they never saw what they were capable of for themselves. To some of the Night's Watch, he disgraced them. He spat on everything they believed in. To himself, he thought he was doing the right thing. He thought the people would understand. But people are stupid.. You knew everything, but at the same time, you knew nothing.. Jon Snow.
When your kid is currently pulling a D- in math 20 comments
· 9 years ago
What I've always strived for is an A. A B is good, but it's not an A. A C is okay because it's passing but it's disappointing to get one (at least to me). Aim for an A, be lucky to get a B, and be thankful to get a C instead of a D or an F.