elijah would do anything 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Thought that was Tobey Maguire in the batman mask for a sec.
elijah would do anything 7 comments
Parenting tips for all you current/future parents out there... 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Wow. I'm surprised my baby's still alive. I had no clue those were bad things..
Vegans 12 comments
· 9 years ago
I didn't know. I don't pay attention to that sort of bullshit. Though I hope that any fellow ginger that got kicked punched the kicker right in the face, then called them a ginger and kicked them back just for shits and giggles.
Vegans 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Get over it honestly. I'm red headed and if I got my panties in a wad (I'm a guy just for the record) over every "he's soulless because he's a ginger" joke then damn would I be in a bad mood every single day. Who cares what others think if it's negative? Get a sense of humor, stop taking everything so seriously.
Edited 9 years ago
Grass Prank 7 comments
Today...I decided to rewrite history 11 comments
Ohh yes we have 17 comments
After watching this movie for the third time 58 comments
After watching this movie for the third time 58 comments
This needs to be everywhere 10 comments
· 9 years ago
I just have to say that animals can't get jobs and actually rent a house and buy food and everything.. Now I know that it's not fair to say that homeless people can fix their situation easily, but it's just a perspective. I'm all for helping homeless whenever possible, but in this situation, people would just recycle to get a free meal instead of doing it for others. At least they can't (or won't) eat animal food.
This needs to be everywhere 10 comments
· 9 years ago
It encourages recycling while also feeding homeless animals. But people will always find negativity in everything I suppose.
Put Examples In The Comments <3 71 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm straight but I would love to spend the night with Jax.... And kill anyone and everyone who gets in the MC's way..
how sweet :) 4 comments
· 9 years ago
That's a good idea. Also, if you watch a good movie and you really want to talk about it, just leave a note saying "if you loved this movie text me about it". Haha nah you'll get pranked a lot.
The Bat Symbol through the Years 3 comments
· 9 years ago
It's from the Arkham games. They put "Batman" in the symbol because it's the best place to put it for the title.. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/42/Batman_Arkham_Asylum_Videogame_Cover.jpg
The picture that changed my life 16 comments