This SNL skit. 19 comments
· 11 years ago
I Google it the British had Mexican as slaves and since Puerto Ricans were part Spanish Indian Asian and African theirs a possibly they where slaves because they White's where traveling to find people to enslave and sell.
What if this happened 14 comments
Oh f*ck why 23 comments
Brace yourself for feels trip 21 comments
· 11 years ago
I have the same problem but when someone is talking to me I go deaf then I get yell at by my parents because I don't listen but I do hear them but it all the sound seem to faint away it already loud in my head to be honest.
What's wrong with the world 11 comments
He Regrets Nothing 11 comments
It's nice to dream big 26 comments
Jack and Jill 13 comments
· 11 years ago
No in the real story they where forbidden lovers but they change the story to make them sister and brother. So...
Why not both? 18 comments
P.S I'm Hispanic.