Know the differences 31 comments
· 9 years ago
People very rarely say metal/rock/etc is Satanic or evil anymore unless it's blatantly expressed by the artist. I don't know why people are so insistent that they do that anymore. Maybe it makes them feel edgy and cool and unique?
Rats are trained to sniff out landmines 14 comments
pirate ship made out of old pearl necklaces 3 comments
· 9 years ago
That's cool and all, but I can make a pretty dope ass boat out of paper. No pearls needed. Beat that.
Do you think this is true? 14 comments
· 9 years ago
While school is definitely stressful, and there's a lot of improvement that could be made to the school system, there's one thing I disagree with: teens (including me) ARE pretty lazy and selfish, at least the kids around here.
Truth be told.. 35 comments
· 9 years ago
I mean, this is kind of a silly argument. It just depends on the person. For example, my father is the only working one in the house; he pays for all the tampons and pads and everything "feminine," including any doctor visits. And it's not as though men don't have to pay money to be healthy because of their gender. It's unnecessarily aggressive feminism right there.