

— XDmaniac Report User
I wonder what the Key to this Stone-y problem might be 18 comments
xdmaniac · 2 years ago
Another problem is private corporations taking oil from public US land and selling it on the world market when, IMO, oil from US land should be a public commodity, not a privatized product. It should be drilled, refined, and distributed by government run or associated organizations. Giving the government say on who its sold to and first grabs at it to stabilize our own gas economy.
Hunchback of Notre Dame does not get enough recognition 20 comments
xdmaniac · 2 years ago
Maybe dont initiate screaming matches all the time and youll stop seeing people yelling back at you.
Foolish mortals! 3 comments
xdmaniac · 2 years ago
Daily reminder that we are all flesh automatons animated by neurotransmitters. Our divine light severed, never to be mended.
Hunchback of Notre Dame does not get enough recognition 20 comments
xdmaniac · 2 years ago
it seems to me an image was posted, one that karl agreed with the sentiment of. Then the two most reactionary political users on the site showed up to scream opposing politics at him, one of which being the one who posted it.
idk seems pretty sussy to me, fam, but what do i know? I am a simple mind that comes to a meme site for memes.
Edit: Feel like i need to say the debate lord shit is cringe as hell lol Maybe he aint replying cuz you two are screaming partners that honestly are getting kinda tiresome with the vehement rage with which you talk to everybody. I've deleted multiple long responses in many comment sections on many occasions because i decided it wasnt worth dealing with it.
Dont hate you guys just think you need to chill a bit.
· Edited 2 years ago
It's happening 9 comments
xdmaniac · 2 years ago
my favorite part of this joke is it works no matter how old i am
It's happening 9 comments
xdmaniac · 2 years ago
bruh i wasnt alive the last time the government had credibility
Food, how do they work? 9 comments
xdmaniac · 2 years ago
honestly burritos are american not mexican they were food designed for miners iirc
Food, how do they work? 9 comments
xdmaniac · 2 years ago
burrito, aka Mexican sushi
Now thats an insurrection 24 comments
xdmaniac · 3 years ago
nah famous is disagreeing but that OJ example is perfect. As well as the Al Capone example I already gave where he definitely committed heaps of crimes. Whether you think its insurrection or not, famous your original point about prosecution is irrelevant. Guilty people go free all the time. Ya know, like cosby.
Now thats an insurrection 24 comments
xdmaniac · 3 years ago
in the eyes of the law. like i said. If I shot a guy and everyone knows it but they cant prove it to the standards of the court... i still did it.
Now thats an insurrection 24 comments
xdmaniac · 3 years ago
I should point out innocent in regards to law doesnt mean you didnt do something, it means it cant be proven by the standards of the court that you did it, hence my example
Now thats an insurrection 24 comments
xdmaniac · 3 years ago
Yes this is why Al Capone was charged with criminal conspiracy, smuggling, murder, assault, etc. instead of tax fraud. Because you never charge people on lesser crimes that you are more certain will get a conviction. Never ever.
FEMALE!!! 21 comments
xdmaniac · 3 years ago
id rather be allowed to wear sweatpants at work again tbh
Ready, aim, fire 1 comments
xdmaniac · 3 years ago
They backed down on this weeks ago, are you alright?
DC, please just stop! 7 comments
xdmaniac · 3 years ago
You dont have to think too hard about a boring visual shitpuddle but aight fam agree to disagree
His default facial expression is that of an 18th-Century farmer having Bitcoin explained 3 comments
xdmaniac · 3 years ago
i mean thats just his face not a face he's making
Anywahays 7 comments
xdmaniac · 3 years ago
is funsubstance leaning christian these days? Confused by the amount of dislikes
Asdf movie is timeless 21 comments
xdmaniac · 3 years ago
Wait, this is considered old on this site? This is youtube age stuff so like 2006 or something......am I....old now?
The more things change 29 comments
xdmaniac · 3 years ago
Where are you making 15-20 to apprentice? Ive never seen an electrician apprenticeship out here for more than 12 an hour. Which is fucking pennies if youre trying to live comfortably
Solid plan Rob 3 comments
xdmaniac · 3 years ago
We interrupt your attempt at murdering someone to ask you to cut it out 23 comments
xdmaniac · 3 years ago
man middle school usernames stay with you for a long time
We interrupt your attempt at murdering someone to ask you to cut it out 23 comments
xdmaniac · 3 years ago
Bruh, if you watch some videos of stuff like this you'll drop that "disarm, tackle, shoot for the legs" idea. Death happens quickly, one cut or stab in the wrong place and the person is dead regardless of first aid.
After watching the video, there was no time to deescalate or disarm or any of that nonsense without the person she was rushing getting stabbed, watch the video.
It stops being self defense when you turn around and run at someone off to the side and try to stab them. The person she went after was backed up against a car.
You can hear the officer trying to give commands as soon as he arrives and she ignores them to try and stab someone seemingly uninvolved in the fight.
You aren't a child at 16. You know right from wrong. You understand consequences.
The self defense ended the moment the other person was on the ground and the police were there. She decided she still wanted to harm someone anyway. Trigger-happy cops are a problem, I agree. But this seems cut and dry
Please don’t shun people who use easy mode 5 comments
xdmaniac · 3 years ago
*breathes in* git gud
dont hate me
You've been banned from participating in the Toxic Femininity 19 comments
xdmaniac · 3 years ago
Toxic Femininity to me would be women using the stereotypes of women in toxic ways. Men NEED to provide for women, women MUST be protected, hitting/abusing men but its ok because im a woman kinda stuff. Also probably women that participate in gossip culture and exclusionary social behaviors.
When’s my fitting? 31 comments
xdmaniac · 3 years ago
Every time with this.
Prove it
Show it
HERE's a video breaking it down with no evidence and not the video I claimed existed.
Don't just trust facebook or random people on twitter. Check up on their claims. Too many people just trust others in their groups implicitly.