Cats n dogs 4 comments
Natural ice formation 6 comments
Wise words from Mickey 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Same. Even though nobody ever does return the favor... It's fine because at least they're happy.
Kid president 15 comments
Kid president 15 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't think that's true though, http://www.kidpresident.com/whoweare.html
It's written by his parents and it says "he won't always be a kid and won't always be a president.." so hopefully he's okay! I hope he grows up and actually runs for real president, that would just make my life.
It's written by his parents and it says "he won't always be a kid and won't always be a president.." so hopefully he's okay! I hope he grows up and actually runs for real president, that would just make my life.
Nouveau Parfum - Photoshop Music Video 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Be Prada, Hugo Boss, Chanel, Giorgio Armani, Cartier, Azarro, Sisley, Escada, gucci Naf Naf, Nina Ricci, Lancôme, Kenzo and even more, more, more
Be Bruno Banani, La Bastidane, Estée Lauder, Guerlain, Burberry and THierry Mugler, Bourjois, Chloé, Jean-Paul Gautier, Valentino and I don't know
What do I choose?
Why do I choose?
Who wants that I choose?
I'm not their product
Of beauty, of preciosity
They can't change me
Beyond compare, unique
The new perfume, it's me, new perfume
Be Roberto Cavalli, Bulgari, Givengi, Dolce & gabana, Paco rabana, be Lacoste, Tommy Hilfiger, Yves Saint Laurent and I don't know
What do I choose?
Why do I choose?
Who wants that I choose?
I'm not their product
Of beauty, of preciosity
They can't change me
Beyond compare, unique
The new perfume, it's me, new perfume
Be Prada, Hugo Boss, Chanel, Giorgio Armani, Cartier, Azarro, Sisley, Escada, gucci Naf Naf, Nina Ricci, Lancôme, Kenzo and even more, more, more
Be Bruno Banani, La Bastidane, Estée Lauder, Guerlain, Burberry and THierry Mugler, Bourjois, Chloé, Jean-Paul Gautier, Valentino and I don't know
What do I choose?
Why do I choose?
Who wants that I choose?
I'm not their product
Of beauty, of preciosity
They can't change me
Beyond compare, unique
The new perfume, it's me, new perfume
Be Roberto Cavalli, Bulgari, Givengi, Dolce & gabana, Paco rabana, be Lacoste, Tommy Hilfiger, Yves Saint Laurent and I don't know
What do I choose?
Why do I choose?
Who wants that I choose?
I'm not their product
Of beauty, of preciosity
They can't change me
Beyond compare, unique
The new perfume, it's me, new perfume
Long distance relationship 3 comments
The finest comments in the world 18 comments
· 9 years ago
Is nobody going to comment about the ad at the bottom of the page
Edited 9 years ago
Is it winter yet?? 2 comments
· 9 years ago
My mom wont turn on the heat until we are all complaining enough, and even then she turns it up just a little bit. Despite my username, I don't actually like wintertime that much
The rain and the cold, I just love it! 22 comments
· 9 years ago
Surprisingly, despite my username, I don't like winter that much. It is pretty though, yes.
Winter is loading... Please wait 7 comments
Something different 19 comments
· 9 years ago
Me too. I worked on trying to lucid dream for a while, and I finally did it. Every time I begin to lucid dream it's because i'm about to die in my dream when i suddenly realize i can fix it. so like someone was trying to drown me and I was like oh wait lol nah and the other time it stormed and i was tied down and about to get hit by lightning but I realized i was dreaming in time to stop the storm, untie myself, and fly away. Lucid dreaming is fantastic 10/10 recommend
The loneliest frog in the world 7 comments
· 9 years ago
I live in atlanta, have been to our beautiful botanical garden, and can confirm this is true.
because you know how fruit just has bones in it 1 comments
· 9 years ago
well I mean.. it was 69 cents so they may have been making a joke
(waits for responses)
(waits for responses)
Anyone else? 48 comments
· 9 years ago
I.. Well this is perfect timing. This describes me so extremely perfectly.. I just went to my "best friend's" birthday party and while I wasn't around she told the other girls that "her mom made her invite me..." we've been friends for 3.5 years and I should've seen it coming. she used me but continued the illusion of friendship that I'm now realizing I never had with her.
who will win? 940 comments
· 9 years ago
At the guest who said "not if I can help it! *presses button*" Silly, you're a guest. You didn't help, but the thought is what counts :)
who will win? 940 comments
· 9 years ago
Guest, just leave. We're having a bit of funsubstance fun and if you don't wish to participate I suggest you get out now.
who will win? 940 comments
i mean... stick figures are great and all but...