Even McDonald's isn't sure what's in a fish fillet 17 comments
· 10 years ago
they can't say 100% fish cause it's not
Taste the indian rainbow 32 comments
I know it's not the best but.... 28 comments
Ahh childhood 4 comments
Too much school 3 comments
History of the Platypus 3 comments
· 10 years ago
have you seen god? maybe he looks like a 12 year old asian, maybe he's a middle aged mid life crisis surfer dude
This is an oil painting. 25 comments
the accuracy of this photo 4 comments
Ugly duckling 15 comments
Satans future band 7 comments
· 10 years ago
i remember having to listen to all my track 15, 16, 17 etc music and then make up a name for it cause i couldn't remember what it was called when i was little
Edited 10 years ago
Happy Valentines/Single Awareness Day! 146 comments
Happy Valentines/Single Awareness Day! 146 comments
Fraternal pride 12 comments
· 11 years ago
well you can't have a twin and you would have to start training when you were about 4 to get a gold medal at the olympics so you better be pretty young. :P
I really want to know 31 comments
The sign speaks the truth. 12 comments
· 11 years ago
why are vegans stupid? just because they make different decisions. and no,
i'm not a vegan
i'm not a vegan
a lesson: 55 comments
· 11 years ago
THANK YOU SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS when he first came out people said they thought he was a bad PERSON because he had a bad voice and they say omg he's so GAY. IS IT BAD THAT HE IS GAY no it's not, he is bad because he is a bad person.