Why I love metal 7 comments
· 11 years ago
i don't like justin bieber but he stopped 2 shows out of hundreds so he could recover from a cold, if he hadn't it would have gotten worse because he's a singer so he uses his voice heaps and he might have had to skip way more shows which would have been worse, just like you might skip work or school for a day to recover rather than work really poorly and not recover quickly
Sand face formed! :O 3 comments
· 11 years ago
it looks like voldemorts face iin the philosophers stone when he escapes quirrells body and comes for harry
Everyone knows someone like this 3 comments
Scariest selfie 12 comments
· 11 years ago
i tuk dis picter of me in da mirrir it hard cause me hands where tremble
Password isn't long enough 9 comments
Don't drink the water 12 comments
Second grade nostalgia. And third. And fourth 25 comments
Second grade nostalgia. And third. And fourth 25 comments