Check and mate 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Lol, but it's perfectly fine to have sex with 9yo and goats. Most retarded culture, literally, like way behind modern times and civilization. Stoning ppl to death and shit. Medieval.
Hol'up 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Implying that the rest of the races are all cool with homosexuals, blacks, asians, arabs etc. Besides, men don't need g spots to cum, my whole dick is a g spot. If a girl rubs it, sucks it, slaps it, heck! she could even just stare at it, and I'll cum.
And people just go to the internet to find dumb people, for entertainment and then blame 1 comments
· 6 years ago
Half true. Ppl are doing a lot more stupid things just for validation now. Think tide pods, Kiki challenge and so on.
Poor guy, his heart is broken 15 comments
Adulthood could be mundane for some. 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Almost everything I want to do either involves money or it's illegal. Same result, going home.
The hero we deserve 4 comments
Crash the car and save the world 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Crash is an understatement. If I saw that while driving, I'd make the local news at the very least.
Suitable for picnic 3 comments
A hotel with no walls 4 comments
Why the f*ck you lying dude 6 comments
Bad car design 10 comments
· 7 years ago
You really shouldn't be driving if you find that confusing. It's really no where near the head unit and it's a lot bigger. You have to be pretty unlucky at thinking (can't say retarded, it's not p/c nowadays) to make that mistake. Also, car won't engage reverse until it's stopped.
Disabled kid arriving to prom with his date 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Exactly the opposite where I'm from, so maybe there's that. Or I'm just not able to see the good in good things anymore. Could be just me, so don't mind me much.
Disabled kid arriving to prom with his date 16 comments
Disabled kid arriving to prom with his date 16 comments
Disabled kid arriving to prom with his date 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Yea, looks cool on social networks, but can't help thinking this was done out of a mix of exactly that and pity, and it will never spark any true romance. Sorry if I'm bursting any bubbles. It was prolly a good day for that kid tho, so that's cool.
Let there be... Nice guys 14 comments
· 7 years ago
No one said u have to have sex with him, that was not the point of my comment. Also, character is different from actor.
Medic needed... One man down 9 comments
· 7 years ago
I appreciate the honesty and the humour in that comeback. To be fair, it's preferable than her trying to friendzone him and "milk" favors from him later, because she knows he wouldn't say no to her. Stop being so sensitive.
Let there be... Nice guys 14 comments
· 7 years ago
Well obviously, they're nice because they like you and want to have sex with you. Are they just as nice with fat chicks with bad skin? No? Well there you have it. Don't act like you didn't get what he wanted.
Edited 7 years ago