The exact moment I realized my date wasn't really into me 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Or an under tank would work to
Awesome drawing skills 25 comments
Dressing provocatively 9 comments
The gem that is potter puppet pals 12 comments
Just snape it off, snape it off 13 comments
It's "feels" time 16 comments
Just snape it off, snape it off 13 comments
Did you have a bad Day? 46 comments
· 10 years ago
Not being rude or but just because one person has a worse day doesn't mean your bad days mean nothing that's like saying I'm happy but another person is happier so I'm don't get to feel happy for myself
I like this one 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I took it more as the sterotical straight and lesbian girl because we are the same