

— Vodka Report User
Nobody expects 2 comments
vodka · 5 years ago
Nobody expects the turkish inquisition......
Barney Stinson: True Story(with a wine glass and a head tilt) 8 comments
vodka · 5 years ago
You can get those from amazon for not that much. I paid 5€ in total and they work absolutely fine. Search for condone/blackhead removal kit
*Grabs popcorn* 26 comments
vodka · 5 years ago
For -5 and +5 I'll still wear the same clothing though. I feel since we're used to using celsius, we know how to work with it. Usually you also get a "feels as" temperature (which is usually only a few °C off) in the forecast as well as the actual temp. There's also no mixing up -20 and +20 since one is winter temperatures and the other is spring temperature. There's enough to say about both of them
A healthy balanced diet 2 comments
vodka · 5 years ago
Or just eating it cold
Why is this true 7 comments
vodka · 5 years ago
There's 3 types of gym teachers
The fit handsome pedo
The obese asshole
And the bitch who uses her fingernails to punish you when she was supposed to guide you over a jump
Yes. Just yes 4 comments
vodka · 5 years ago
Nothing would stop him
Rare instance of a corporation being a bro 9 comments
vodka · 5 years ago
Oh that's very annoying to say the least. I've read instances where people solved it by putting tape on the thingy that's shown in the picture but I wouldn't necesarily recommend it since it could be a lot harder to get out of in case of an accident
Rare instance of a corporation being a bro 9 comments
vodka · 5 years ago
Either that or drive to your local garage and get them to have a look at it. I've had the complete thing replaced once and it only cost me around 50 euro's
Delicious candy is delicious 7 comments
vodka · 5 years ago
Yes also gummi bears and vodka is also delicious
They all got adopted!!! 3 comments
vodka · 5 years ago
Nooooo now I'm sad
Just don’t feed him 5 comments
vodka · 5 years ago
Nah wait I remember it's a Gremlin
RaTe mY yOuNg aSs 16 comments
vodka · 5 years ago
I'll go check those chats
So far he sounds great at actually doing stuff
Just don’t feed him 5 comments
vodka · 5 years ago
The tiny little bean you see sitting on the launchpad turns into a muderous creature once it gets wet. I forgot what they're called though
2 · Edited 5 years ago
RaTe mY yOuNg aSs 16 comments
vodka · 5 years ago
I have been gone for a few weeks now. Is superdave a new God?
Someone please help poor little Fritz! 1 comments
vodka · 5 years ago
Ahhh look at his poor confused tail wag
Head Pressing isn't fun and laughter for pets 3 comments
vodka · 6 years ago
For humans it's more of an emotional thing but if your pet does this please get help
Use public transport! 12 comments
vodka · 6 years ago
Das ist die beste Beschreibung die ich je für diese Ecke gehört habe
We finally cracked the code lady's, treat yourself and get you a gamer 6 comments
vodka · 6 years ago
I don't think bestiallity is allowed
Use public transport! 12 comments
vodka · 6 years ago
Very true around here it's terrible though. The bus stops around 2 times a day once at 7:30 and once at 17 ish and the only other stop that bus stops at is directly in the city it goes to. From there a train is the one thing that comes nearest to my workplace but the train is also Dutch which is actually even more consistent than the German trains around that station. And then I would still have to bike for 20 minutes to get to work.
· Edited 6 years ago
Use public transport! 12 comments
vodka · 6 years ago
Honestly if Germany had a public transportation system like the Netherlands I would totally use the bus to go to work
What about Sponge_Hitler p*rn? 4 comments
vodka · 6 years ago
Google spongeknob squarenuts the next time
Worse than ferret legging? 17 comments
vodka · 6 years ago
As a vet assistant I'm pretty sure I can beat that. But also as a vet assistant I'd rather not play since it goes horrible against my job
veteran doesn't know what to do with all the potatoes left since people stopped 11 comments
vodka · 6 years ago
Use it for the best thing you can do with potatoes
How do they know 10 comments
vodka · 6 years ago
Hell yeah
Relatable 9 comments
vodka · 6 years ago
Ironically posted by a bot