

— viv24601 Report User
Things that happen in dreams/reality? 5 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
One time I had a dream one if my friends was being a bitch, and I was mad at her/she was mad at me, so I didn't talk to her for like a week. She had to ask me what was up. I felt kinda stupid.
The struggles of a person with average height 12 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
Whenever I try to hug me best friend (a guy), he always pretty much jumps 10 feet in the opposite direction. Am I that bad? I mean it's just a hug :(
There's a difference between alone and lonely 10 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
None of my friends get that there's a difference between being alone and lonely
Bill Gates' washer 9 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
You prevented me from making a very cheesy pun so congratulations :) lassysassy
End the double standard! 26 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
One time I was in Hawaii and I saw some guys who almost looked like body builders. They had really good bodies but it just seemed so bulky to me. I also am afraid if a really ripped guy hugged me he'd crush me
End the double standard! 26 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
I was actually talking to my guys at school about this. They don't get why girls try to be so stick thin. most of the girls in my grade are(nothing wrong with that), and I explained to them that the media kinda tells girls and women that there is only one way to look-skinny. It's just interesting for me to hear it from them because they're just a bunch of gangly teenage boys. It's also nice to hear that because I'm also bigger and I've just assumed guys only like tiny girls. But obviously people like different features so what one person thinks is attractive another might not.
No longer morbidly obese! 10 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
Good job! Progress is progress and I know how hard it can be :)
Puffin 20 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
I'll give you all of my end pieces of bread. It's a win win :)
Is Pepsi okay? 14 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
Thank you so much! Normally when I ask people that, they just say coke is better. Thank you for a definitive answer :)
Is Pepsi okay? 14 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
Ok legitimate question here- what's the taste difference between Coke, Pepsi, dr. Pepper, and root beer? (I don't like 'brown sodas' and I've always wondered.
I just can't handle it 18 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
Oh gee, you caught me. (Said in most sarcastic tone possible)
Have a laugh and share your own jokes, too! 20 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
A fish is swimming along and runs into a wall. He said 'DAM!'
I just can't handle it 18 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
Whenever I'm watching a movie with my parents and a sex scene comes on, I go hide in the bathroom until it's over 0.o
Using the Bible to start dumb arguments 33 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
That's the point I was going for. I wrote that while in bed and I was still a little fuzzy. I was just trying to get the point across :)
Using the Bible to start dumb arguments 33 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
You know what else the bible says- no tattoos, no pork (NO BACON for you bacon lovers), as stated no sex before marrige, no divorce, and no seafood aside from fish. People love to pick and choose from the bible. But you religious folk know one of the most important teachings in the bible is to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. (This rant is coming from a catholic girl who goes to a catholic school) just wanted to share my views since some peoples are kind of crooked.
Wait for it.... 15 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
D: I hate jumpscares!
A baby sloth yawning. 3 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
I want 5
Bringing the facts down to my level 5 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
I do believe that is the technical term for the anomaly we are observing.
Not 1, not 2, but 3 7 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
And here is another example of something simple that's difficult for a lefty to use
Reasons Against Gay Marriage 77 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
I'm sorry Maliah, that really sucks. Like song said, you'll find people who support you. That's what's so great about funsubstnace- we're open minded and accepting. :) I don't know if this means much but I accept you 100%. And hope you find some great people soon :)
Reasons Against Gay Marriage 77 comments
viv24601 · 10 years ago
This is so true. One day, out of the blue one of my 'friends' was like do you support gay marrige? I said yes (Im not gay, just support letting people love who they love and go to a catholic school). He said he didn't. He thought it was 'gross'. Coments like that just make me sad when people don't give someone a chance. I just don't think people should force their beliefs on others, especially if the 'issue' will never directly concern them. Just my thoughts on this. Rant over.
Scarred for life 10 comments
viv24601 · 11 years ago
If I did it right (haven't done base 8 in a while) that would produce 677
Why Do All These Guys Keep Putting Me In The "Girlfriend Zone?" 50 comments
viv24601 · 11 years ago
Almost wish I had that problem. I'm 'just one of the guys'. It's like I'm just worth enough effort to maintain a friendship and nothing more.
Mostly everyone has done 22 comments
viv24601 · 11 years ago
I'm too paranoid all the chairs will either break, topple, or someone will push me.
Scarred for life 10 comments
viv24601 · 11 years ago
Carry the one. You'll get 110. Darn you base 10 number system