There's A Monster On The Flight 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Cute af
More ram more ram 3 comments
Bad Advice Dog back at it again 2 comments
Think about it 81 comments
· 8 years ago
At this rate the earth is being overpopulated and will eventually run out of resources at the rate humans are multiplying. But sure I mean fuck nature and the natural life cycle if I never have to lose anybody. Its the harsh reality of the world and people who can't accept that. Better the people who aren't meant to survive to pass away then our future generations fighting and killing each other over resources. Now don't think that i hate modern medicine and all that. Modern medicine is a great thing but its going to create big problems down the road.
Edited 8 years ago
he didn't choose the domestic life the domestic life chose 3 comments
· 8 years ago
Reminds me of when i first got my dog and he was a puppy. Somekne left the backyard gate open on accident and ran away. After an hour of looking for him i went home and called his name out a couple of times from my backyard and he ran back through the gate after a few minutes..
This could explain the trend 11 comments
· 8 years ago
Its not always people getting more racist as maybe its just people getting more sensitive. This social wave of political correctness is just cancer and is just causing arguements than showing that we are all just human. There are no different types of human. Thats just something people tell themselves so that they feel special. Doesn't matter if your gay, straight, transgender, black, or vegan. Your just a human. Kind of went off topic but just stating my thoughts on the whole issue.
Some customers are scumbags 4 comments
Creepy 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Those are the scariest fckin cpr dummies I've ever seen. If someone looked like that and needed cpr I'd just say "feels bad man" and move along.
Life hax 7 comments
· 8 years ago
I got shocked by a wall outlet once. Pretty sure it hurt like a bitch and numbed most of my body, but i mean i guess it was an electrifying experience to say the least
The BLM guys are bullshit 38 comments
· 8 years ago
Honestly, BLM is starting to turn into a black supremacy movement. The BLM group at my friends college wanted seperate housing for just black people LOL. This stupid fucking generation of younger black kids never experienced what segregation was like and are pushing for it. Obviously the dean of the college took the petition for different housing as a joke and threw it out the window.