Go home Uber. You're drunk 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Buddy, don't know if you noticed, but it's more than just one country that's been thinking this way.
Balls of steel student edition 9 comments
Eating ice cream can improve mental performance 4 comments
· 7 years ago
But... That doesn't mean it didn't help with mental performance. In fact, it might have helped with his emotional state, so doesn't that just prove the theory right? :p
Edited 7 years ago
It will make your blood run cold. 6 comments
· 7 years ago
We need to talk... That's scary on a whole other level tho :p
Mostly cause it involves your heart :)
Mostly cause it involves your heart :)
What are some of the greatest laws in your country? 37 comments
· 7 years ago
As a Dane, I can very much confirm this. Why do we have it? Because we have a hatred for the swedes that has been instilled in us through history =)
Feels weird to be old 3 comments
I hate him too 2 comments
Ever worked in retail? 17 comments
Hope that burns off some calories for you 8 comments
WLTH: yeah, but you cannot catch cancer from someone if you sleep with them.... 32 comments
· 7 years ago
While I agree with everyone, I gotta say that HPV is highly contagious... And it leads to uterus cancer. But hey, there's always vaccinations :D
Smart kids be like 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Tbh, I don't think it's fair to be frustrated with him/her. Everyone has expectations for themselves that may differ from others, but that's what being individuals in a society is all about. So instead of considering his frustration as a slight on people who got lower grades, see it for what it really is: individual goals. It might seem very unfair, but in a way, it is also unfair to be annoyed with people who strive to be better, no matter how much more than the average they have already achieved. Let's be tolerant, rather than critical (:
14 year old Lincoln 8 comments
Just leaving him here girls 19 comments
· 7 years ago
I used to have a huge crush on him as Ronon in SGA, and most people thought that was weird XD
Sims feels 3 comments
· 7 years ago
I always wondered... people often call young love puppy love, but what if its the purest, most lasting form of all? In my head, I could easily imagine it as untouched by ideas of society, or any predisposed notions of affection... in that sense, it's the truest form of love we ever feel in our lives. Maybe this is just me daydreaming... but I often find, when talking to others, that one's first love is the one that will never end.