The best advice I can ever give that I wish I followed 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Seriously, it's the hardest addiction to kick and you waste so much money..
How do you know you are high? 6 comments
Celebrity lookalikes 40 comments
· 11 years ago
Did you know Hyde from that 70's show and the guy you're talking about from Malcolm in the Middle are brothers?
That one lucky person 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Yeah, but it's right by that guys locker. They would have to leave their phone in the hallway and it would probably get stolen because people are assholes.
The problem with America 43 comments
· 11 years ago
I just think it's funny how people from other countries can point out our flaws and our stereotypes and think that every American is that way. People are people, no matter where we're from. If those people who hate on Americans were born here, they would be doing the same exact thing we're doing. Knowing that there's a problem with this country but not having enough power and reputation to change a single thing. Let's say there were a group of people that were standing up for what we need, and were headed in the right direction, the news would then twist the story to make the people who don't understand turn against them. We live in a fucked up place, but it's our home. We need a savior who can take out the criminals in congress and make everything okay, we need a hero. We need.. The Batman.
Oreo cake, we're living in the right era 14 comments
Britain vs USA on tumblr 27 comments
· 11 years ago
There's not even a point on trying to explain yourself, some of these people on this website are hopeless. I see that now. Down vote all you want, like it hurts my feelings you American hating fucks.
Edited 11 years ago
Britain vs USA on tumblr 27 comments
Randy the assh*le 9 comments
· 11 years ago
I think Randy is the only name that he doesn't like, and if he doesn't find out his name is Randy, and something else, it probably doesn't go as planned because he hates that name.
Britain vs USA on tumblr 27 comments
Has to be done 43 comments
· 11 years ago
Well, no one should be put down personally for the music they like. In case you were talking to me, I wasn't putting anyone down, I was just simply saying that dubstep is awful. If you listen to it, cool, that doesn't change the person you are, but your ears hate you.
I'll have H2O too 10 comments
First world anarchists 6 comments
· 11 years ago
The one with the out of order urinal is fucked up. The janitor will have to dispose of it with that guys piss all over it.
Misery loves company 14 comments
Misery loves company 14 comments
Statue facts 8 comments
Best hotel review 3 comments
· 11 years ago
Idk how housekeeping didn't notice it. If it was my hotel then my manager would've taken it and burned it slowly as he smiled.