Shut up Yoko 7 comments
· 3 years ago
Exactly. If you want proof, just listen to the music. Early albums: lots of collaboration, many songs with everyone singing together. Later albums: everyone works on separate songs, all have their own distinct style, bringing in outside artists (i.e. Eric Clapton). Besides, John Lennon was a big enough asshole that he could break up any band without any help.
Wholesome Substance 2 comments
· 3 years ago
My younger sister is Deaf. One day, when she was 15 or so, a boy from her school came into my family's shop. He wanted to get to know her because signing was "cool" but wasn't sure how to approach her. He had A LOT of questions about deafness so I sent him some articles and gave him a couple sign lessons too. It paid off because they're married now and very happy!
Hearing Aids Part 1 8 comments
· 4 years ago
On the flip side, my sister is fully deaf from birth. The first thing everyone asks upon meeting her: "What about implants/aids?" There's just no way to win in this area where people generally don't understand and don't care to try.
I will smother your unique challenges with love and affect, dear one 5 comments
· 4 years ago
I agree. It seems backwards that you need a good reason to justify adopting (i.e. infertility) but having bio kids is the norm. You should have to justify why your genes are worth reproducing. Nobody asks parents why they're having kids, and it's very difficult to come up with an answer that isn't selfish.
Moisturize me! 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Waking up thirsty probably just means you were sleeping with your mouth open for a while. Not a problem occasionally but if it happens every night you should look into allergies/sleep apnea/etc. that might cause you to have trouble breathing during sleep. As always, make sure you're getting enough water during the day :)
I'd like to live 8 comments
· 4 years ago
And yet classrooms don't have faecal matter distributed through the air with every flush. If you wouldn't eat your lunch in there, you shouldn't make someone inject themselves there either.
I'd like to live 8 comments
· 4 years ago
So somebody should miss several minutes of class to walk to a public washroom which is practically guaranteed to be unsanitary, just on the off chance that someone would be 1. seated near enough to see AND 2. notice them injecting themselves AND 3. be uncomfortable with that. Nah, you can look away for the few seconds it takes if it bothers you.
I'd like to live 8 comments
· 4 years ago
I'm sympathetic, but it's unreasonable to expect others to interrupt their lives. People with different medical needs exist, and as long as they're not making a show of it, all you can do is look away or leave to protect your own comfort.
Carving wood is like therapy so I created a piece made entirely of it 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Not sure if your clumsiness manifests the same as mine but I'm rather adept when I'm focusing on a singular task (knitting with sharp needles, chopping veg). When I'm distracted or on autopilot is when I drop things, run into walls, stab myself etc. You should try wood carving - maybe you'll enjoy it and have minimal injury!
Anon Finds a deaf girl 5 comments
· 4 years ago
What a cute story and a great reminder that taking a small chance can pay off massively! But also, for anyone reading this, getting hearing aids isn't the be-all and end-all for many people who are deaf/Deaf. It may be physically or financially impossible, and even if it isn't, the person may prefer being deaf. That's perfectly valid and should be represented more.
Teeny-tiny uninterested defeated Wombat 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Well not quite because service dogs literally have the self-interest trained out of them, that's why they're so expensive.
This makes my daddy issues flare up and im sad now 5 comments
· 4 years ago
My parents weren't affectionate at all, more like adult roommates really. It can mess you up. I hope that your day gets better, and that tomorrow is different.
Don't mind me, just here to call you out on your Social Anxiety 14 comments
· 4 years ago
First off, I'd recommend seeing a therapist since they can give personalised tools to manage your anxiety.
The basics are that social anxiety is completely irrational. It's the crazy, conspiracy theory uncle who's screaming that everyone secretly hates you - so why would you let him steer the ship? When I feel myself getting wound up, I practise challenging those anxiety thoughts one by one. "I can't go to the party." "Why not?" "Nobody there likes me." "Where's the evidence for that, they invited you didn't they?" etc. I treat the anxiety as a separate entity, so it's easier to take control back from them. Also, for situations I feel nervous about I'll think of the absolute worst thing that could possibly happen (probably dying), the absolute best thing (winning an award?), and what's probably going to happen (event goes as expected). Then I have a frame to see exactly how ridiculous the anxiety thoughts are and further proof why I shouldn't let anxiety captain my ship.
The basics are that social anxiety is completely irrational. It's the crazy, conspiracy theory uncle who's screaming that everyone secretly hates you - so why would you let him steer the ship? When I feel myself getting wound up, I practise challenging those anxiety thoughts one by one. "I can't go to the party." "Why not?" "Nobody there likes me." "Where's the evidence for that, they invited you didn't they?" etc. I treat the anxiety as a separate entity, so it's easier to take control back from them. Also, for situations I feel nervous about I'll think of the absolute worst thing that could possibly happen (probably dying), the absolute best thing (winning an award?), and what's probably going to happen (event goes as expected). Then I have a frame to see exactly how ridiculous the anxiety thoughts are and further proof why I shouldn't let anxiety captain my ship.
Hazel Scott 15 comments
So very true! 23 comments
· 4 years ago
I sound like a shill for Duolingo but really I'm just trilingual and very passionate about languages :)
So very true! 23 comments
· 4 years ago
Duolingo is far from perfect but it's the best free language program. Everything else doesn't actually teach you a language; you just learn disconnected words and phrases with no context. Which is fine for some people but if you want to say you're learning a language you have to get an idea of the foundations (how to form a question, conjugations, etc.) which Duolingo does give notes on.
So very true! 23 comments
· 4 years ago
@timebender25 Some people just don't have a head for languages, which is totally okay! If you seriously want to learn, my best advice is do it every single day. Even if you just spend 15 minutes reviewing what you already know, the routine of it solidifies the language in your mind. I heartily recommend Duolingo, which is the best at teaching grammar and conjugations as opposed to just flash cards of common phrases like Memrise. If you go back to Spanish or Japanese you might find that the information isn't gone, just buried deeper and it'll be easier to learn and remember on the second go.
Did somebody say impeachment?! 2 comments
Michaelangelo's Masterpiece was a big f*ck you 2 comments
· 4 years ago
That generally indicates that someone added them as tags to the post on tumblr, and someone else posted the tags as a comment. The (x) at the very end is a link to the person who originally added the tags.
In Accordance with all previous dealings with a landlord 6 comments
· 4 years ago
It's sweet that you don't want this to happen to anyone else. But you have to take care of yourself and your health. Living in a mouldy flat just so someone else won't have to is a bad idea. See if there are any government agencies you can get involved - maybe the health department or building code inspector? I'm worried that the landlord won't completely take care of the mold, in which case you should move out. Leave an honest review on any websites the flat might be posted to, or maybe leave surreptitious notes about the issue around the flat for the next tenant to find. Take care of yourself.
The real nice guy :) 21 comments
· 4 years ago
Okay, so it seems like you're applying your experience in a relationship with a toxic person to the situation in the photo. Obviously it's horrible that you felt so taken advantage of. But over the internet we have zero insight into anyone's relationship. You sound like you're saying that her not carrying her own shoes is inherently a terrible act in every possible context, but it's not.
The real nice guy :) 21 comments
· 4 years ago
Wait, what? Do you not do nice things for your partner? In a good relationship everyone does everything they can to make the other person comfortable and happy, not rigidly make sure each person pulls exactly their weight in every single situation. There's a thousand reasons why he might choose to carry her shoes and none of them make him "a total fucking simp."
There are only two genders 6 comments
· 4 years ago
Maybe she would, I don't really know enough about wrestling to say. But she'd be advantaged solely because of her testosterone and muscle development and not what pronouns she uses and clothes she wears, right? So if we want competitions to be truly "fair," why would we separate by gender and not ability level or potential? Michael Phelps is hugely advantaged by his hyperextended, double joints. Why is it fair for him to compete against swimmers without such luck?
There are only two genders 6 comments
· 4 years ago
I agree. The only fair way would be to get rid of gender altogether, and divide competitions based on a strength test, or testosterone levels, or alphabetically by last name - A through L in one competition, M through Z in the other. Except for diving of course. :)
What sorcery is this? 3 comments
· 4 years ago
My husband knows I knit to relax after work. So he wonders why I'm always hunched over like a goblin, cursing and counting under my breath. "I'm having fun," I hiss, hand clenched around my needles as I furiously scroll through a pattern on my phone.