

— unicycle Report User
16 Awesome Hidden Gems You Must Experience At Disneyland 7 comments
unicycle · 10 years ago
This post is about Disneyland in Anaheim, California, which opened in 1955. The building of Disney World in Orlando, Florida was overseen by Walt Disney's brother Roy Disney. The two parks are easily confused, so I understand your error.
I'm a millionaire 13 comments
unicycle · 10 years ago
A similar but perhaps better idea would be if for each day you go to the gym over a set amount of days, money is deducted from your monthly fee. That way if you don't go, you're not losing money, but if you do go, you gain money you were going to pay anyway.
No one likes you Umbridge 4 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
"Did you get my text?" "Well, you didn't text me back!"
Americans kill people 18 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
Well, we have a nearly 800 year old document that led to the prevalence of constitutional law (The Magna Carta).
Bear foot 24 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
The cuteness of this is unbearable.
This made me sad and disappointed 10 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
If he had stolen it, wouldn't the lollipop have disappeared under the cloak when Harry brought it to his mouth? I think it just got stuck to the cloak since Harry wouldn't be used to wearing it and to the space it takes up. I don't think he would've purposely stolen from anyone, much less Neville.
I will burn everything you love 9 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
"I will burn the HEART out of you!"
How the Oscars work 23 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
I saw this on tumblr earlier; it could, of course, be fake. I'd like to think that it's real.
Doctor's orders 11 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
The even 100,000 notes makes me really happy.
Abortion in sign language 80 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
Whether you're pro-choice or not, abortion is never a positive thing. It's an incredibly difficult decision, but it's a decision that every woman should have the ability to make for herself. I don't know why you think people brush it off as no big deal because it's a choice that weighs heavily on a woman. Nobody wakes up in the morning and goes about skipping and singing: "I'm going to get an abortion today!" Whether it's legal or not, abortions will happen. But instead of occurring in clean, safe, medical environments, women will be going to dark alleys or standing in their bathtubs with a coat hanger. Whether abortion is morally right or wrong, I'll leave to the philosophers. But it is never a decision that is easily made.
Listening To Music With Friends Like 22 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
Actually, this is Dallon Weekes from Panic! At The Disco. The guy behind him is Ian Crawford, also from Panic!.
Fixing the economy mario kart style 20 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
In perfect communism, everyone works the same amount.
Fixing the economy mario kart style 20 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
Communism can be partially democratic, but you're right, it could never be a full democracy. But in some places, maybe democracy isn't the answer. Democracy is a way to give people a voice in their government, to hopefully avoid bad leadership. But if you had a leader in power who did everything in the people's best interest, who was truly listening to what the people had to say, and who was taking care of the people, then you don't necessarily need a full democracy. However, at this point in time, such a leader doesn't seem likely.
Fixing the economy mario kart style 20 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
Yes, the principles of communism tend to lead those in power to corruption. I say "tend to" because there may come an exception in the future.
Fixing the economy mario kart style 20 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
Sorry, but what's wrong with communism exactly? In concept, it's great. Everyone does an equal amount of work, and everyone has what they need. No rich, no poor. The only problem with communism is that its leaders tend to become corrupt. Communism works; it just hasn't been tried by the right people yet.
i see what you did there 9 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
Achilles only had a weak spot because his mother held him by the heel while she dunked him in. If you were to bathe yourself completely, you'd be pretty much unstoppable.
I can't be the only one who thinks they're the same thing, right? 34 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
I just want to point out that "negative reinforcement" is the removal of something bad in order to encourage repetition of a behaviour. What the post should say is "punishment." The more you know.
2 · Edited 11 years ago
Caesar was a d*ck 7 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
We should totally just stab Caesar.
B**bie theory 6 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
Also, it's good to check for lumps, so bring on the boob squeezing!
No matter what direction you view this image 6 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
If you're behind your computer, how do you know that it isn't pointed at you?
Fort Worth water gardens 4 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
I was just thinking how much it looked like Logan's Run. I don't consider myself old, but I'm glad someone else likes that movie.
The ultimate question 7 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
Okay, well you've definitely inspired me to reread those books when I have the time. When I get to that passage, I'll remember Funsubtance.
The ultimate question 7 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
That's from Harry Potter? I must have remembered the answer from there without realising, because I figured it out pretty easily while I usually can't solve riddles. I got the "spy" part fairly quickly, as well as the "er" part, and then I figured the answer must be "spider," so that made it easy to figure out how to get the "d" in order to make spider. Anyway, thanks for posting that, now that I know what it's from I want to read the Harry Potter books again!
The ultimate question 7 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
*Straightens glasses* Spy+d+er=Spider. I would definitely be unwilling to kiss a spider.
Thought I'd share 7 comments
unicycle · 11 years ago
Because it's 4chan, that's why.