Cats of science 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Physicists liked the joke so other authors list F.D.C Willard (felis domesticus, Chester Willard) in the notes thanking him for his contributions. Gotta love a good boy doing science.
State of the Union 26 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 857
TLDR: People tend to use whatever power they have to game the system because the desire for control is human nature.
TLDR: People tend to use whatever power they have to game the system because the desire for control is human nature.
State of the Union 26 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 575
TLDR: Capitalism has problems, some of which are built-in and others that we need to fix.
TLDR: Capitalism has problems, some of which are built-in and others that we need to fix.
Elon? Come here, here are some gigawatts 8 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 572
TLDR: People rejected the solar farm because of the harmful environmental and social effects it would have, not because technology is scary.
TLDR: People rejected the solar farm because of the harmful environmental and social effects it would have, not because technology is scary.
Beware the fairies 15 comments
· 5 years ago
Of course, it's never as simple as all that. Some research has indicated a link between environmental toxins and development of autism - but the relationship is not yet clearly defined and it's unclear how exposure to pollutants interacts with other risk factors like genetics.
Trying to take wife to the dentist 12 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 742
TLDR: If you buy an unreliable computer car, it's your fault if it has unreliable computer issues.
TLDR: If you buy an unreliable computer car, it's your fault if it has unreliable computer issues.
American exceptionalism summed up in one picture 19 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 440
TLDR: You can't literally pull yourself up by the bootstraps, and many poor people can't even do so metaphorically. The supposed greatest times in America were marked by many social services and community efforts - not bootstraps.
TLDR: You can't literally pull yourself up by the bootstraps, and many poor people can't even do so metaphorically. The supposed greatest times in America were marked by many social services and community efforts - not bootstraps.
American exceptionalism summed up in one picture 19 comments
Step 4: Still profit 11 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 566
TLDR: Even though it often has bad outcomes, people are probably going to pirate stuff no matter the price.
TLDR: Even though it often has bad outcomes, people are probably going to pirate stuff no matter the price.
He got a point though 6 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 358
TLDR: Criminals often need to escalate their killing to keep up. Batman doesn't kill because that'd be just over the line.
TLDR: Criminals often need to escalate their killing to keep up. Batman doesn't kill because that'd be just over the line.
Adds up 15 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 848
TLDR: People making fun of California exaggerate some non-issues (plastic straws) while much larger issues (homelessness) are still a problem.
TLDR: People making fun of California exaggerate some non-issues (plastic straws) while much larger issues (homelessness) are still a problem.
Hiring can be hard - a guide 18 comments
· 5 years ago
Right. Certainly misunderstandings could arise when I'm tired or otherwise distracted. But if you, as a writer, want to communicate your point more clearly and effectively, you'd be better off limiting yourself to one comment. Brevity is not a vice, especially on a meme site where most people probably don't want to scroll past obscenely long comment threads to reach an explanation of the joke, an image source, etc.
Hiring can be hard - a guide 18 comments
· 5 years ago
At the risk on incurring another 500 word essay, I have to disagree. The main point I drew was that hiring these types of workers got good results because these people had to work harder to prove themselves. I could have been more clear about the consequences - more hiring = less hard work = less hiring. The rest devolved into an anecdote-laced discussion about workers with families, which was more of an example of your main point rather than a standalone argument. If my TLDRs lack nuance, it's because your posts are so full of it that any reasonable summary would have to leave some out.
Hiring can be hard - a guide 18 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 511
TLDR: You be successful in hiring "undesirable" workers because they work harder and devote their time to proving themselves.
TLDR: You be successful in hiring "undesirable" workers because they work harder and devote their time to proving themselves.
Yes. Yes we should 13 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 470
TLDR: Not going to see the movie because it doesn't look good.
TLDR: Not going to see the movie because it doesn't look good.
Black iron man 4 comments
· 5 years ago
Arguing is usually pretty fast and passionate while drunk is slow and clumsy so put those together and it is funny to watch. When I would sneak out to go drinking as a teen I would use sign with my siblings so as not to wake my parents - very convenient.
What she said 13 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 596
TLDR: Sometimes the lack of respect to service workers is built into the system on purpose.
TLDR: Sometimes the lack of respect to service workers is built into the system on purpose.
Old but gold 2 comments
· 5 years ago
No. Maybe if you're a lord, but not etiquette for the common masses. But the queen will send a nice card in reply to an invitation.
Well deserved.! 8 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 404
TLDR: While this type of deal may be profitable, this dude clearly doesn't operate at that level.
TLDR: While this type of deal may be profitable, this dude clearly doesn't operate at that level.
Its cheap and free. Throw me in the trashcan 13 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 871
TLDR: Things are expensive; there's positives and negatives.
TLDR: Things are expensive; there's positives and negatives.
Black iron man 4 comments
· 5 years ago
This idea has been around for about 40 years and while it's great that we have the technology to achieve this, it isn't a magic solution or even a very good solution. The gloves only translate manual spelling which is extremely awkward to communicate in, and there are hundreds of different signed languages that would all have to be programmed. Most importantly, the hearing world should work to accommodate deaf people, not the other way around.
This is my parents 25 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 1,313
TLDR: Monitor your kids in non-obvious ways so they won't feel the need to be extremely careful hiding their misdeeds.
TLDR: Monitor your kids in non-obvious ways so they won't feel the need to be extremely careful hiding their misdeeds.
Tax the bat 32 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 430
TLDR: We can form opinions and theorize about stories even if they're just fiction.
TLDR: We can form opinions and theorize about stories even if they're just fiction.
This is my parents 25 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 586
TLDR: The best parenting style sets rules and boundaries without being a dick about it while also teaching children how to be successful adults.
Thanks @lolcats121 <3
TLDR: The best parenting style sets rules and boundaries without being a dick about it while also teaching children how to be successful adults.
Thanks @lolcats121 <3