Doctors are bad luck brians 4 comments
· 11 years ago
It's the same for teachers. If a child does well, he's smart. If he does poorly, he has a bad teacher.
Take my money! 10 comments
I would have the same face tbh 5 comments
Dafuq sweden?! 3 comments
· 11 years ago
I've lived in Sweden for two years and this country still doesn't make any sense.
I guess an american accent comes naturally to people raised by monkeys 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Meaning no disrespect, but not everyone sees America as "the greatest country in the world." Just as I'm sure you have logical reasons to support your claims, there are logical reasons reasons that support the other side. While I'm all for having pride in your country, going as far as to say that your country is the best in the world seems a bit childish to me.
Shatner 7 comments
· 11 years ago
The movie is Miss Congeniality. It's pretty cute, and definitely worth the watch.
So much luck 4 comments
· 11 years ago
I imagine she lost the ring in her garden, then years later planted the carrot which grew down through the ring so when she pulled up the carrot the ring came as well.
Internet connection set up 1 comments
Which came first? 11 comments
Perfect ad 6 comments
Coolest part of the supermarket 16 comments
The joker always has a plan 5 comments
College degree, schmollege degree 6 comments
· 11 years ago
University is an experience that you should have. It's a lot of fun, you get exposed to different people and ideas from all over, and maybe you'll learn a few things. It's not the right path for everyone, and it's often hard work, but even though I'm not using my degree, I don't regret a second of it.
Niger 17 comments
· 11 years ago
Did they not censor the ignorant twat's username on purpose so we could find them?
A god among men 15 comments
· 11 years ago
I would say that neither Batman nor Ironman is an actual "superhero". They're heroes for sure, but since they lack any superpowers I don't think they can be defined as superheroes.
How we treat planet earth 14 comments
Beary Scary 14 comments
9 Cool Facts About Dreams 13 comments
· 11 years ago
REM, or Rapid Eye Movement, is the deepest stage of sleep and also when you experience dreaming. I'm sure Wikipedia can give you a more complete answer.
Old people can be awesome sometimes 36 comments
· 11 years ago
Iceshard, according to the Bible, Jesus loved everyone. That includes gays and lesbians. It's really a shame that you're so full of hatred that you can't see what a wonderful world it would be if you chose to love and accept instead.
Old people can be awesome sometimes 36 comments
· 11 years ago
I live in Europe, and homosexuality isn't a big deal around here. From my point of view, it seems like some Americans are making a huge deal out of nothing. I know that a lot of Americans don't have a problem with gays, but the ones that do are very loud about it.