Private Concert 3 comments
· 9 years ago
ive seen an anime version of this sceen
Which one would you choose? 77 comments
· 9 years ago
the wand is broken, light sabers cat exist, and the sonic screwdriver is just a sonic screwdriver. now those mechs i would take
How it works. 3 comments
· 10 years ago
thats pretth close. like warmpth from the sun closs as compared to warmpth from rigel
Friendship is a fragile thing 18 comments
· 10 years ago
friendship right. thats why they are waring business suits.have you people never seen industrialists killing the environment sketches or paintings
Solar the world 29 comments
· 10 years ago
thing is the amount of money required to do that is outstanding. too bad we humans cant buck up and pitch into the pot with a few thousand sq mi of free panles
Dementor! Dementor! 13 comments
· 10 years ago
your foe is pushed into a vat of the blue stuff. you have an ice cube. do you
a) help them out
b) tourture then with catching the icecube as its thrown into the Blue
C) toss it over your back as you walk out with a chilling one liner
d) dont care because they cant swim
a) help them out
b) tourture then with catching the icecube as its thrown into the Blue
C) toss it over your back as you walk out with a chilling one liner
d) dont care because they cant swim
End the unrealistic cop standards 10 comments
· 10 years ago
hahahahahahaha dudes taking a sunday stroll, peper spraying all of the lovely collage students
Spongebob war feels 21 comments
· 10 years ago
funny thing is, sponge bob was a comic during ww1, and as such the comic was about the war.
Impressive human stacking 11 comments
· 10 years ago
stack push ups. we do those at my Tae Kwon Do Dojo. except our isnt nearly that sloppy they have there knees on their backs
Troll physics 9 comments
· 10 years ago
in theroy yes but the only real problem is that there is not just one direction of force there is two. force of one magnet pulling the other, and vice versa. another way to think about it is that there is like a spot of gravity presicly in the middle of the two magnets. it pulls them together. the reason why holding them apart doesn't work is that the two forces are equal. like having two trians traveling in different directions hauling the car. un less one of the magnets has a lower attraction and the other has a much larger attraction then the whole theory is ca-put. PS there is nothing that will be have as described due to the science around magnetism.
Map of devices connected to the Internet 26 comments
· 10 years ago
for those of you who think "wow there is so little internet in this world" i would advise you compare this map to a population density map. this is really accurate to the population density, except for africa
let it go/let her go 19 comments
· 10 years ago
legitly this is perfection. there is absolutly no forced lyrics, and that voice is amazing
What's your heavy metal band name? 50 comments
· 10 years ago
Hell's Fury, which is strange considering im a ginger and my current band is named Hell's Unending Rage
Please Read! Could save lives! 50 comments
· 10 years ago
sadly even carrying a gun wouldn't be very effective, due to the relative speed in witch most people are abducted, or mugged. honestly Tae Kwon Do is better than karate, and there is no space or time for good judo. as a side effect any Tae Kwon Do student at red belt or better can and usually does learn how to combat an enemy with a gun or a knife.
Red Tide 6 comments
They believe in their product..... 45 comments
· 10 years ago
one couldnt break that glass with a dimond and a fire extinguisher. maby a car with a heavely mounted solid steel lance
A fire extinguishing grenade 16 comments
· 10 years ago
dude there needs to be a bomb equivalent for the forestfires along the rocky mountains in the US
The Cost of Being Iron Man 4 comments