u can't spell Harambe without Haram #never4get
Dad puts a GoPro on Toddler to see how hide and seek looks through his son's eyes 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Aaaw oh my gosh
It's a lie 5 comments
This brings a smile to my face 6 comments
· 8 years ago
"My left arm's tired can we maybe switch sid-" "what no like do u not see the shirt¿¿?just 4 more hours"
Colorblind feels 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Lol nice one but sorry op hey bro at least it's not glaucoma + there's these like color-correctional glasses or smth these days I think
Why can't it just be sweater weather 24/7 4 comments
I just found my next favorite movie 5 comments
Just Doge being Doge 2 comments
this is so sad y'all 136 comments
· 8 years ago
look ya'll i don't support trump (or hillary) but i like to believe his whole jackass demeanor was just campaign strategy at work (with the goal being to go all the way) ;business tycoon for 30+ years? yeah he probably knew what he was doing. his supporters are generally not so great people; he used that. Hillary's shady record; he fired back with that when she played the racism card : ~he's not hiding anything, but she is.~
i honestly do not know what to expect from him, but get real for a sec no fucking wall construction and random immigrant expulsion is gonna happen chill what do you think this is .This story is tragic though and i feel bad for the guy
i honestly do not know what to expect from him, but get real for a sec no fucking wall construction and random immigrant expulsion is gonna happen chill what do you think this is .This story is tragic though and i feel bad for the guy
he's right 4 comments
· 8 years ago
anyone else here who actually loses weight during winter/fall?
Edited 8 years ago