deep throat smoking man


You morons hang vacancy sign on your asses and my foot looks for a room - Red Forman, American patriot

— deep throat smoking man Report User
They be cray cray 26 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Say something tasteful... Like... Black people afraid to go to basements in horror movies, but not afraid to live in a ghetto
They be cray cray 26 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
The couple you're sitting next to, wife with net eye slit means she's not "European native Muslim" from Sarajevo (native as in 36th generation living among Europeans, 5th generation not wearing hijab), it means her husband grew up in surroundings where women live behind 3m tall house walls. Why would I sit next to her and... Idk... Touch her knee not in purpose, or have "turbulence erection" or be careful not to touch his meal plate with my beer can. I wanna travel free minded.
· Edited 8 years ago
They be cray cray 26 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
You're speaking of things you know nothing about again. First of all how would you know you're sitting next to a Muslim ...not talking about my friends, non religious Muslims(Muslims by ethnicity) who wear shorts so short you could see her tan lines, I speak of normal religious women, without hijab ,their grandmas, and men in jeans and T-shirt?
Cats are cuter. Plus they're much less likely to pee on you..usually. 2 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Moms are the cutest... And they don't... Usually
imma try doing this to a vegan group 3 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
My grandma eats these
The saint of Science 24 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
So he was basically suicidal
Triggered 55 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Not really. If your father is Muslim you're Muslim. You could change when you're older. But you'll have circumsized dick which could decide on your life in war here. We had cases of people with Serbian fathers but Muslim mother wanted neutral name, neither Christian, like Luka nor Muslim, like Tarik, but Goran who circumsized for medical reasons and got killed by Christians cause they knew only his mother ,saw her when she brought him to their school so they thought "she got to him" and secretly raised him as Muslim. I'm half Jewish but never got circumsized because of that. I could be Jewish (I don't care about that) even if only my grandma was Jewish, and nobody else, I know a guy who got to Israel like that and now is fully functioning Israeli ...but you won't be considered Muslim if your grandma is Muslim. You'll be considered convert.
Goat meat 2 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
It's allowed to fcuk a goat, but if you fcuk billy goat, that's punishable by decapitation, cause you're gay o_O
My kind of doctor 5 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
I've been claiming that for years. Heart has specific numbers of heartbeats. I almost flunked highschool cause I never went to P.E. But on the other hand, I use my heartbeats for "other exercise"(mr. Bean meme here). But that's different.
Extra Virgin anyone? 15 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
We had famous singer (who had boob job obviously) claiming she just used herbal oils. People were mocking her "Do You rub them with margarine?". She was telling the truth?
It's true 5 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
That's how you get poorer
Deep words. 11 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Jews don't put flowers on graves, flowers rot. Stones on the grave is forever.
And I'm completely supportive of gay rights 47 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
And also Santa Claus doesn't exist.
And I'm completely supportive of gay rights 47 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
He's not gay now.
And I'm completely supportive of gay rights 47 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
I hate girls that act like gays... Saying fabulous, buying shoes, saying giiiiirlfrieeeeend, giggling jumping, rolling eyes, spending 5 h in front of mirrors, spending fortunes on weekly change of hairdos and stuff. Why can't I hate men, trans men, gays who do the same? I'll slap myself if I catch myself buying more than 3 pairs of shoes
And I'm completely supportive of gay rights 47 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Dude, Ricky is also flamboyant af, remember the song she bangs she bangs, he went nuts, I couldn't believe girls didn't see he was gay as a dodo, but yet again I remember when they said "Gorge Michael gay, didn't see that one coming"
Just the US, doing what we do best 61 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
As I understood player with Serbian name was complaining. Listen to Serbian anthem... It's totally a "can I copy your homework" of Deutschland Deutschland uber alles (melody is the same, text also calls for some pretty genocidal ideas, who are they to say, the Last genocidal nation in Europe) Serbs don't have 0,001% of songs/movies/books that are not stolen. There's really respected writer from last century who claimed his death he didn't copy "80 days around the world of John". Ministers copied their "doctoral thesis", even president.
Just the US, doing what we do best 61 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Not the same. Russia isn't ashamed of its Stalin. Or its nazism. Or its natives killed. They're actually proud of it. And not stopping it in few more centuries either.
Tiny Trump 6 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Oh my god I burned my humor fuse
Turn your frown upside down 15 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
They're flat, they barely have any nutrients, and spongy even, if you squeeze them they'll be the size of my thumb. I could eat 3 boxes of these for brunch. I really can't believe you're complaining about Amurican hamburgers, do you realize that people here eat a whole piglet in one sitting... Goddammit
Now watch it backwards 13 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
He saw people shitting in streets and realized life is not that magical (not saying that shitting outside is exclusively Indian thing, people shit on streets, behind library, under the bridge, in buildings hallways... Almost every day in my hometown of 13,000people where everyone knows everyone and can recognize even "high society"members under the bridge, and it's a small town, you have, like 1mile tops, to your bathroom, but no one cares)
War kitties in little hammocks 2 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
They all died! Unnecessarily
Now watch it backwards 13 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
I'm positively sure the travels would even make it worse for a true nazi. He should meet people, not entire nations and countries, he can always find something bad in multitude. Meet them one by one.
The grandma starter pack 12 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Serbian grandmas take money out of the bra
Behind the famous mask 6 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Most of these look exactly as their roles.