
She who shall not be named.

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Something tells me his airship broke down 6 comments
traigeide · 8 years ago
This never gets old.
OMFG 17 comments
traigeide · 8 years ago
Am I the only one laughing at the cheating asshat?
This guy sold 110 games plus 6 consoles (including ps4) to buy an engagement ring 30 comments
traigeide · 8 years ago
I'm sure the ring will make up for the weeks he went MIA on a gaming spree.
The longer I work and the older I get, the more I realize this 10 comments
traigeide · 8 years ago
I call bullshit to the guest with the mom example. I worked two jobs, put myself through college and have two children. I did it not get government assistance (outside of federal student loans). It's called TRYING.
With enough ambition you can do whatever you want.
And if the mom didn't bother to finish high school with FREE PUBLIC education she could have gotten help getting a GED while on public assistance.
The poverty trap is often self inflicted. Too many people don't use the aid in the way it was meant to be used.
Pretty sure she isn't a Disney Princess though... 34 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
She's always been my favorite . I've had a thing for Russia ever since.
No fun 7 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
I'm guessing NO FISHING is implied? It's probably a toxic waste dump.
I really wish I learnt these earlier 36 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
Also, a parent should teach their kids how to be treated and how others should be treated.
Apparently murder builds quite the appetite. 9 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
I love Helena.
"Why don't you brush your hair?" This. This is why I don't 15 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
No one threaten babies.
"Why don't you brush your hair?" This. This is why I don't 15 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
I can attest to this.
oh damn! 33 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
He's. A wealthy celebrity and businessman with no filter. Tells it like he sees it. He's blunt and doesn't care if he offends someone. He's an antipolotician running for a political office.
Hetalians know this country 15 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
Country or not. I'm invading when the zombie apocalypse begins.
The cloud dragon 4 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
I see a dog who just ate a ghost chilli whole.
Tennants the Pluto guy 19 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
Viva la Pluto!!
*retypes everything* 3 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
That AND it's an intentional security protocol. If you knew which one was right then it would require half the effort to crack.
Pretending 4 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
FYI, if utilized properly it is an amazing talent.
At least things are improving 94 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
The BLS is accurate but how it's displayed is misleading when displayed to those untrained in statistical analysis. And furthermore, I was referring to the pick and choose data of the media.
At least things are improving 94 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
The unemployment rate is much higher. Media outlets and government officials skew the data that is released to show the most beneficial numbers, those models don't reflect discouraged workers among other data elements. For example, the unemployment rate of high school graduates (17-19yo) is a staggering 18-19%. The average, when broken down by age (no education) is still slightly greater than 8% with much lower unemployment rates for college graduates, between 3-5%.
Game characters vs supposedly realistic game characters vs real life people 18 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
People play video games for the fantasy not to be average...
Game characters vs supposedly realistic game characters vs real life people 18 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
FYI, the third are either 1) photoshopped to perfection and/or 2) in no physical condition. To perform the roles suggests in first image. The second image is irrelevant as that's just a representation of the average woman and isn't by any means a "game realistic" version.
An adaptor would be easier 22 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
And... It's gone.
You ungrateful little shit 58 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
Lamp? Bed? Softy.
I say let her sit in a room with nothing in it and she has to earn everything back by participating in volunteer work.
You ungrateful little shit 58 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
Pretty sure she has parents that would immediantly return it for a black "ifone" ... In fact, I'm sure they sent the maid out to buy her a new one as soon as she opened it...
Med school too expensive 8 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
Ethnic groups get a lot of scholarships...
Watching p*rn for the story 12 comments
traigeide · 9 years ago
Aliens are real and see this then I'm sure it's just cause to elimate us. Or study us, or both.
God(s) are real then they may be planning to elimate us.
We eventually survive to year 2250 and time machines are invented then we will probably be banned from sending anyone to this time period or someone will rewrite history. Or archeological findings will realize we're as fucked up as Ancient Rome.
· Edited 9 years ago