Yeah, most of the time 19 comments
· 9 years ago
* you're. I live in the US, so I am not referring to other cultures where that kind of hairstyle (or more bizarre ones by our cultural standpoint) are the norm. I am adhering to that beauty standard because it looks terrible. It is possibly a product of upbringing, but a half-shaved head looks good only on the unshaven side or the shaven side, but not both. Sorry, you cannot win a debate with a straw man argument.
Yeah, most of the time 19 comments
· 9 years ago
It is my opinion, true. But it is also the majority opinion, probably for a reason...
Alcohol is a drug 29 comments
· 9 years ago
Sugar is required by the body, particularly the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is naturally produced in your brain, and levodopa (L-DOPA) is used therapeutically to treat Parkinsons. And alcohol was made illegal for a considerable amount of time. As far as I know, there were attempts to make both caffeine and tobacco illegal in the US.
Atheist agenda 35 comments
· 9 years ago
In that case, there are two major flaws in your plan. If you managed to actually find a god, you would prove the existence of that god, thereby probably reducing the number of atheists. If any god exists, you will not be able to kill them, ergo if you killed a being, it is not a god. Good luck.
Yeah, most of the time 19 comments
· 9 years ago
It only looks good on people who would look much better with a full head of hair.
Yeah, most of the time 19 comments
· 9 years ago
She is very pretty, but that haircut is not; she ruined perfectly amazing hair.
Yeah, most of the time 19 comments
· 9 years ago
The problem is that it doesn't make any sense and doesn't look good. It is the mullet of the new age.
Atheist agenda 35 comments
· 9 years ago
If you were actually an atheist, you would not believe any god exists, let alone multiple gods. Therefore you would not plan on killing something that you do not believe exists.
Atheist agenda 35 comments
· 9 years ago
The joke isn't about people with celiac or allergies. It is about people who are into it because it is a fad.
Some Teachers Don't Get It 17 comments
The alpahbets 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Well, in ASCII, those are A=065, a=097, B=066, b=098, etc. If we changed the order, we would mussy up things for computers.
My great insanity grandma. Rest in peace. I love you 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, the main problem with breast cancer is the places it is likely to metastasize to are bone, brain, and lungs. If the cancer actually stays in the breast, like OPs grandma, it is as harmless as cancer can possibly be.
Pluto vs Australia 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually Pluto is large enough that, if it hit the planet, it would be insanely more destructive than the Chicxulub asteroid.
This car 19 comments
· 9 years ago
This should not be street legal. Hopefully this abomination will remain only as a mediocre Photoshop edit and never become an object in this universe.
That moment when you're done with school so you write a powerpoint 7 comments
· 9 years ago
At least be clever about begging for a grade (and be reasonable, ask for a C or something for doing no work). That way, you might not get an automatic F.
Friend sent this... Didn't go as planned for this guy 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes, use a reasonable approximation of proper English, or I reserve the right to ignore you.
Seriously 4 comments
The alpahbets 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Take PCP and watch Doctor Who "The Empty Child" and tell me that doesn't mess you up. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://media.giphy.com/media/2LxZofKFZ9jKE/giphy.gif&imgrefurl=http://giphy.com/search/gas-mask&h=357&w=480&tbnid=JwfJppDLUt8ttM:&docid=oMM2G2hQYiqdoM&ei=YL40VoeRFIWPmQHQkaegCw&tbm=isch&ved=0CB0QMygAMABqFQoTCIfBpe_k7MgCFYVHJgod0MgJtA
If I were a dj 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Not all enzymes break things down (for instance, any isomerase). Also, all enzymes I am aware of are physically able to catalyze their reverse reaction, though some cannot do it under normal physiological conditions. So the ones that do break things down in one location of your body are often isoenzymes that build them up in another location. But people who listen to DJs are not likely to know that, so give it a shot, I guess.
For those of you starting school 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, my niece was having trouble with multiplication and division. I looked at how they had taught her to do it, and I was like "that's because they taught you the worst way to work these problems". I showed her the old ways and she got it with no issue. I told her to use the right way to check the answer she gets from the ridiculous method they taught her, but only show her work with that method.
This is why Superman doesn't go to England. 8 comments