When someone asks what I wanna be when I grow up 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Pretty much everything is gone by 100 trillion. Black holes swallowed up a lot, stars nova out the death knell of the universe, and it continues to expand, as if heaving it's last sigh of defeat.
When someone asks what I wanna be when I grow up 20 comments
Crayons! 42 comments
· 9 years ago
The kid mentioned to the other girl that nobody knows what color dinosaurs actually were. Instead of immediately being snide with the teacher, she could have mentioned that. The teacher may have thought about it for a second and been like "good point, you can color it blue" or, more likely "good point, but just color it green for now, and maybe next time we can try other colors".
When someone asks what I wanna be when I grow up 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Caught me. There isn't a whole lot left in the year 100 trillion, so there isn't a need for space law. But now (in the past, by my perspective), there are so many planets and stars to conquer.
Crayons! 42 comments
· 9 years ago
Kids need to learn to stop being a rebel just for the sake of being a rebel, though. Sure, nobody knows what color the dinosaurs were, and the assignment is pointless (coloring them whatever color he/she wants does not make it any less boring and pointless), but completing tasks in the manner one is instructed is an integral part of how we learn information and function as a society. There is a time, place, and method of discussing things, and this kid missed on all three counts. If this kid had been even moderately respectful, then they may have reached a compromise.
When someone asks what I wanna be when I grow up 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Space law is pretty much the only area of international law that sounds interesting in any way.
sorry, rest of the world 13 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm American and I mainly use Celsius and occasionally Kelvin. I pretty much only use Fahrenheit if I am talking about temperature to a non-scientist (which is rare, because why would we be talking about temperature?)
Phone background idea 6 comments
· 9 years ago
You could get someone to take your picture while squished up against glass and do this. Then if you are ever really high, you will freak yourself out when you go to unlock your phone and you think you are trapped inside it... and outside it at the same time.
If you need AA batteries but don't have any, here's what you can do 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Why the duck? Also, I usually have a surplus of AA and lack AAA, so there is no reverse procedure. I would not use this for long term, as the resistance introduced by the aluminum will probably cause the battery to drain quicker. Speaking of battery hacks, if you have a remote that uses more than one battery, you can "play musical chairs" and switch their positions to get more life out of them (if you take a voltmeter to them and pair the highest voltage with the lowest, it works best).
Hate it when people intentionally wait with their response 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Especially if it is a half caramel apple explosion/ half cinnamon pumpkin mocha latte-frappuccino with one and a quarter shots of espresso and exactly 1729 sugar crystals. If you say that over the phone to me, you are getting a coffee black.
Hate it when people intentionally wait with their response 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes. Also, I hate it when people try to give me some kind of address, phone number, email or something like that over the phone; just text it so there is no "now did you say B as in bacteria or D as in doxycycline?" crap going on.
RUN. JUST RUN. 8 comments
This town aint big enough for the two of us 11 comments
Oh, heil no 17 comments
· 9 years ago
It could be worth a lot of money, so that might just be one of the best things you were ever given by accident.
Somebody had to say it 5 comments
· 9 years ago
You are right, there are multiple types of intelligence, and they are all useful in their own way. You are also right that people have their own strengths, and they should focus on their strengths. I do not know what the particular context of this quote is, but what I get from it is that overall, the science literacy is deplorable in America. In the world of today, where developed nations are made and broken by their level of science and technology, this is a serious issue which foreshadows a very bleak future.
A "see through" truck 14 comments
· 9 years ago
The truck still has lights and frame, so it is obviously there; the screens really aren't that tricky. But, it could always be set to have the screens black until a car has been behind it for 15 seconds or so, then they turn on to show you what is in front of the truck.
A "see through" truck 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Or to show a spectacular wreck of apocalyptic eradication to every 10th car to approach the truck.
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey 27 comments
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey 27 comments
Steampunk model: Irina mayer 3 comments