The mighty MV Blue Marlin 14 comments
· 9 years ago
I actually used to be stationed in Pearl Harbor, and we used to integrate its radar data into our system for a comprehensive picture.
Never Mess With Other People's Food 26 comments
· 9 years ago
No, reality check. Also trying to prevent people from trying this and getting screwed over for some stupid prank. You could just bring really bad tasting brownies to work, then the message will get across; this constitutes a positive punishment which decreases the probability that your brownies get stolen in the future. Also, this method isn't illegal, and is still fun.
Never Mess With Other People's Food 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes... then you go to jail for illegally dosing people. Better hope nobody has an anaphylactic reaction, then you may get put away for attempted murder. You could get sued for restitution if someone lost their job. Essentially, this is pretty much one of the stupidest things you could do.
You have failed 39 comments
· 9 years ago
I am simply trying to show that there is such a thing as thinking deeper about what you read. In this case, you are the one that actually made up a meaning with "are we, as human beings, defined by the number of people we attract", I merely combined and simplified the statements. The original statements said nothing about attracting a large number of people to be the defining factor of being a human. In reference to your next question, it actually is your biological purpose to attract someone of the opposite gender, engage in sexual intercourse, and ensure the survival of your offspring. You are not "nothing" if you do not do this. Also, I do not need my mouth to be open in order to type; it does not surprise me that you do.
You have failed 39 comments
· 9 years ago
I am neither. I do biomedical science and biotechnology. Perhaps I am just used to analyzing to find a meaning. In my experience, most people are lazy and write the minimum amount they can, so the words mean much more than they explicitly say. There is nothing crazy or impossible about my logical extrapolation. Also, I do have the right to write or say anything that I want, and I accept the consequence that someone will whine to me about it.
You have failed 39 comments
· 9 years ago
Don't just read three words. Read the whole thing and figure out what it means. It implies that developing other traits, such as intelligence, sense of humor, loyalty, etc is what is important for success as a man/woman.
*when the red light just turns green and somebody is already beepin at you* 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Then you should get a ticket. Actually, if I were the police officer, I would make sure that you got a ticket for everything you possibly could while I was there. Then it would discourage people from inconveniencing traffic by stopping at green lights out of petty, idiotic vindictiveness.
The mighty MV Blue Marlin 14 comments
You have failed 39 comments
· 9 years ago
No, try thinking about what the statements mean, instead of being condescending (especially since you have no reason to feel superior, since you are both wrong and rude). If you need help thinking a bit more deeply about what it means to "fail as a man/woman", read my earlier comment.
I've watched aged of ultron so I know this is a bad idea 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Will they kill off all of the smart people so they have no competition, or keep only the smart people because they may be useful?
You have failed 39 comments
· 9 years ago
The real statement is that if all you have is your possessions or your looks, then you are pretty much a failure at being a useful human being.
The clock is currently running 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Not picking on whoever wrote it, but comparing two things that are not normally compared does not necessarily make it insightful. I think the movie In Time did about as good of a job with making the time to money metaphor as is conceptually possible.
You tell em, Jimmy! 6 comments
The clock is currently running 17 comments
· 9 years ago
This is not a very good analogy. As there are currently no devices that create conditions for people to experience any appreciable relativistic time dilation, we all have the same amount of time in each day. This is not at all true for money. Time doesn't magically appear and disappear, and there is no cosmic bank that cares how you spend your time. This paragraph is a very labored metaphor to drastically stretch out an old, but relevant, statement: use your time wisely.
Chinese dating show 19 comments
· 9 years ago
I wonder how the comments section would have gone if it had been guys saying this stuff to a woman.
Forrest Gump wasn't just the story of a stupid guy 18 comments
· 9 years ago
From what I have seen garlog is straightforward, a bit confrontational, but is usually very logical. In short, he is a realist.
What if 52 comments
· 9 years ago
I suggest not buying the current editions. I often find the previous edition as a free PDF; the information it contains is almost all the same. However, if your professor assigns homework out of the particular book, you will have to buy it. In my experience, past the freshman level courses, most professors rely mainly on quizzes, tests, papers, presentations and such for grades. The tuition is the part that is killer. I lucked out by majoring in 2 science degrees, so I got decent scholarship support.
Oh the Horror of nuclear attack 11 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't think any real scientist would believe that only cockroaches would survive.
People never change 5 comments
we're all the same... kinda 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes, it isn't the differences in our skeletons that makes some people annoying about how different they are.
Stop bullyin by changing the way you think first 62 comments
· 9 years ago
You could download the image and cut off the junk at the bottom. If you care enough.
Think aboot it, fwend 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Shampoo, it seems like you went to a military school or something. You don't usually learn those first two things until after grade school.
Think aboot it, fwend 13 comments
· 9 years ago
No, most people just seek out even more useless information. For instance: anything about any celebrity, any sports stats (unless it is directly related to your job), music lyrics (unless you are a musician and it is your song), or whatever else passes for information these days. If you have ever actually watched the show, there are questions involving how to construct a proper sentence, how to solve basic math problems, and basic history. Unfortunately, there are too many adults that are less generally useful to society than a bunch of schoolchildren.
smart roma (gypsy) girl 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes, tell me when she comes up with something that completely revolutionizes the entire human understanding (like relativity and the photoelectric effect) of physics, wins New York Times Person of the Century, is paralyzed from ALS but still accomplishes more in life than nearly everyone else that has ever existed, drastically alters the understanding of black holes through thermodynamics and quantum information theory, etc. Otherwise the only thing impressive about her is how little she does with the advantage that she was given.