Fat vs skinny 7 comments
· 6 years ago
I am 5'3" and I eat like a pig but I only weigh 89 pounds and it's not fun. I can't gain any muscle mass and I get winded from going up stairs and I have had people I don't even know come up to me and ask me if I'm anorexic, or even better, just assumed I am and then insult based on that assumption. And if I ever complain, no one takes it seriously because why would a skinny person complain about their weight? So yeah, I hate this post, thanks
Expensive boots 16 comments
Savage 4 comments
Time to change the friend 1 comments
What stress does to a chicken 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Wasn’t this proven false a while ago? I could be wrong, but I believe the first picture is just a photo of a chicken molting. I don’t think it was even a battery caged chicken
Like it when this happens 5 comments
· 7 years ago
I recently fell for a person just because they made eye contact and never took out their phone while talking to me. It's been four months and the crush lives on
Beauty and the beast ft. Doggo and daughter 10 comments
She got her instructions all messed up 2 comments
It's Heaven For OCD People 10 comments
· 7 years ago
There is a human being in that one with all the soda cans and bottles (fourth from the bottom)
All that weight must be heavy lol. 5 comments
"Lord, make him gay" 19 comments
· 7 years ago
This poor kid is gonna grow up and find these articles when he's older. Part of me feels bad, part of me wants his reaction on tape
Freaks 6 comments
· 7 years ago
As someone currently living in Illinois, I'm taking this as a sign I need to fucking move
It's a good joke too! 6 comments
· 7 years ago
You’re the kind of person I’d hang around on the off chance of getting free candy