If you think about it 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Why wouldn't someone be naked with high heels on?
How to lose a kidney 6 comments
Wym 4 comments
Left or right? 16 comments
The sadness is real 2 comments
· 6 years ago
That's what you get because you still using Backpage. Get woke and use your Snap .
Baseball fans 3 comments
· 6 years ago
I DontKnow... Third Base. https://youtu.be/kTcRRaXV-fg
Edited 6 years ago
I’m waiting 10 comments
· 6 years ago
"Would you mind telling me, Does your religion teach that the time will come when people who love what is right will live on earth forever? ... That is an appealing thought, isn’t it? ... It is right here in the Bible (Ps. 37:29; Matt. 5:5; Rev. 21:4)."
I’m waiting 10 comments
· 6 years ago
"Many folks tell us they don't like Jehovah's Witnesses.. Have you ever wondered why people like me volunteer to make these calls even though we know that the majority of householders may not welcome us? (Give the gist of Matt. 25:31-33, explaining that a separating of people of all nations is taking place and that their response to the Kingdom message is an important factor in this. Or state the gist of Ezekiel 9:1-11, explaining that, on the basis of people’s reaction to the Kingdom message, everyone is being ‘marked’ either for preservation through the great tribulation or for destruction by God.)"
I’m waiting 10 comments
· 6 years ago
"May I ask, Do you mean that you are not interested in the Bible, or is it religion in general that does not interest you? I ask that because we have met many who at one time were religious but no longer go to church because they see much hypocrisy in the churches (or, they feel that religion is just another money-making business; or, they do not approve of religion’s involvement in politics; etc.). The Bible does not approve of such practices either and it provides the only basis on which we can look to the future with confidence."
I’m waiting 10 comments
· 6 years ago
"Hello. I’m making just a brief call to share an important message with you. Please note what it says here in the Bible. (Read Scripture, such as Revelation 21:3-4.) What do you think about that? Does it sound good to you?" "We’re encouraging folks to read their Bible. The answers that it gives to important questions often surprise people. For example: . . . (Ps. 104:5; or Dan. 2:44; or some other)." "We’ve been talking with your neighbors about what can be done to assure that there will be employment and housing for everyone. Do you believe that it is reasonable to expect that human governments will accomplish this? . . . But there is someone who knows how to solve these problems; that is mankind’s Creator (Is. 65:21-23)."
Edited 6 years ago
I’m waiting 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Well? WTF is it? I saw on my tracking "In transit." It should be here. It's not here , It must be there. "It's mine! I bought it!. You are just the peons paid to deliver it." I hope it get here. "Hey a delivery. Haha, It's here."
Johnny English's super car 5 comments
Cobra skeleton 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Looks like a millipede that never skipped arm day.
"Hey, Yo. I'm a millipede. You want some? Come get some."
"Hey, Yo. I'm a millipede. You want some? Come get some."
How considerate 7 comments
Atari space invaders championship 1980 4 comments
These doors disappearing into the car! 9 comments
Mister Roger comes to life 5 comments
· 6 years ago
That guy looks like the conductor from that Christmas movie, but with a red sweater instead of a blue uniform.
Cheap plastic pieces of crap! 10 comments
· 6 years ago
This is true as long as Nokia doesn't start building robots.
American dream 20 comments
· 6 years ago
Somebody gets $50 per day?... In NJ we get $5 per day and they don't cover transit.
So mom doesn't worry while I'm at school 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Well if they have a vegan SO they might but still meat on the bottom and veg/fruit up top.