

— thepacifist Report User
Advice from one expert about ISIS and terrorism 18 comments
thepacifist · 8 years ago is a good one
Also, most foreign news sources are good for a non-American perspective.
Get your facts straight 50 comments
thepacifist · 8 years ago
I think it's kind of a goldish brown.
Video game logic in real life 9 comments
thepacifist · 8 years ago
Sounds like a fair review. I strongly prefer original and well written plots with good acting and well written humor. I never saw this movie because I heard it was fairly stupid. That being said, I also enjoy the occasional stupid movie. Rush Hour is pretty stupid when you really think about it, but it's still one of my favorite movies because it's just straight up entertaining.
Why I love english 26 comments
thepacifist · 8 years ago
This sentence will never get old.
Ya know...Stuff happens 7 comments
thepacifist · 8 years ago
And without your knowledge.
Every country has its stereotypes. What are some from your countries? 27 comments
thepacifist · 8 years ago
Oh because everyone in America loves Colbert, the military, and thinks of America as a super free country? Ya sure.
Get your facts straight 50 comments
thepacifist · 8 years ago
Unfortunately a bunch of people have turned racism into the equivalent of crying wolf. Real racism truly does exist and should be fought against, but when people cry racism at things that really aren't racism, they make everyone stop paying attention when the racism card is played. This means when it really is racism and people really could use help, half the country stops paying attention because they assume it's just another absurd use of the racism card.
Video game logic in real life 9 comments
thepacifist · 8 years ago
Ok, see, now I have conflicting reports and I don't know what to believe.
Advice from one expert about ISIS and terrorism 18 comments
thepacifist · 8 years ago
All you people who are saying that it's just ignoring the problem, you're missing the point. Those groups only thrive out of fear. If everyone stopped paying as much attention to the news, they would be far less feared.
It also doesn't mean you have to be uninformed. Actually the more you listen to the official "News", the more uninformed you are. There are far more reliable sources of news than the mainstream media.
Impressive 11 comments
thepacifist · 8 years ago
Some guy goes home with her anyway. Wakes up the next morning and is forever convinced that he has reverse beer goggles.
Only you! 14 comments
thepacifist · 8 years ago
That awkward moment when someone chooses cancer over you.
A fine tribute that is 3 comments
thepacifist · 8 years ago
This parrot wouldn't voom if you put 4 million volts through it.
Haha 4 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
If you look closely enough, there's actually a dog laying on the carpet.
Damn 13 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
The GIANT ASS TREES like two feet from the guy that are WAY too big to be those tiny little trees at the top of the final photo, not to mention the fact that they're connected in the bottom photo, but not in the top photo.
Damn 13 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Yes, I understand how these work, but those trees aren't in the final picture. However, upon closer review, it's obvious why - the picture taken "from his perspective" isn't a panoramic picture (scrolling up) like I thought it was. It's just a straight-down picture. It completed does away with the 3D purpose of the design. Those trees aren't in the picture because whoever took that picture didn't pan up like they were supposed to.
School begins today :( 6 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
I strongly believe that attendance should not count for or against you. If you can pass a class without ever attending, then either you are smart enough to earn that good grade or your teacher is a bad teacher.
I had to drop a class in college because I had 100% on every paper, quiz and test, but I hadn't even been showing up to class unless there was a test or quiz due that day. Despite the fact that I was rocking a 100%, the teacher said she would give me an F if I missed one more class. I wasn't going because her teaching was a complete joke and it was a waste of my time when I could instead be working on harder classes.
Meanwhile, I had a history professor who didn't care if you came to class or not. He specifically told us that attendance was recommended, but not required. However, he was a good teacher, and therefore attendance was necessary in order to pass his quizzes and tests. I actually learned stuff in his class and as a result, I attended regularly.
The inside of a NES cartridge 6 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Wait... What? Was Lays making their cartridges?
Fitting cups 6 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Can't argue with that.
This guy 7 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
I know a man who fought in Vietnam and at one point he was hanging from the legs of a helicopter, firing at the enemy with his pistol.
This boat asks the important questions. 5 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Fun vs. Effort 18 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Babies are tons of fun.
Future generations will be so confused 13 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
wait... we don't?
When it's your last day at work and the manager you hate can't tell you to stop 6 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Yeah - your next job will be calling them to ask questions about you.
Wise advice! 9 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Mosquito wants to suck some dick.