

— thepacifist Report User
The Empire Strikes Back modern-day trailer 3 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Chills. So many chills.
Capitalism 35 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
The country is run by leaders. Presidents, congressmen, etc. how is that concept so hard for you to grasp?
Can't hate 19 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Right now there's a 50/50 chance that she might be Jar Jar's kid.
Never forget 9 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
It took us years to get through all the food my mom stored up in the "Y2K Cupboard"
Capitalism 35 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Under socialism, the leaders, government officials, and corporate leaders who strike deals with the government get the money. It's a system that makes everyone poorer unless they have a connection to get favors from the government. But don't take my word for it - go do your own research. It's been tried time and time again and hasn't had a single successful implementation.
In reality, capitalism is simply the belief that people have the right to do whatever they want with their own property. Capitalism isn't an "ism", it's simply freedom.
if you look up dumb blondes in the dictionary you'll find her picture. 11 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
But on the other hand... DINNER!
who's the better hero 28 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Why did the words get further and further off the page with each picture?
My favourite game is "how many books can I read in 24 hours" 14 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
I need to become a faster reader. I listen to audio books because reading a physical copy is such a time commitment for me.
Capitalism 35 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
You just don't understand socialism. The poor don't benefit from socialism. Only the government and the people who strike deals with the government. Socialism fails 100% of the time. Do some actual research.
I want someone to look at me like she does 12 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
That's not the greatest picture of her, but yeah - she's definitely worthy of being the new Star Wars princess.
He has a point 34 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Explain. Because the way I see it, if a god or multiple gods exist, then he/they wouldn't be creating 3000 different religions and saying in each one that only that one was true. It's simply a logical argument, and I'm not sure where I am shooting myself in the foot, but I'd genuinely like to know if you're seeing something I'm missing.
Me right now. 9 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
typically it only asks that question if what you posted is in fact a repost or closely resembles a previous post.
*shi.......t* 6 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
And here's how it went down:
He has a point 34 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Well no, he doesn't really have a point. If any of the religions are real, only that one can be real. They each exclusively rule out the other religions. If you decide that you believe god or gods exist, then you gotta figure out which religion is true, because it can't be all of them.
Capitalism 35 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Actually, Shkreli didn't even own a patent on it. There was no competition simply because it would cost millions and millions of dollars for another company to get the FDA to allow them to make the exact same unpatented drug. The drug was selling for five cents in other countries that didn't have to deal with the FDA because there was still competition in those countries. It was entirely the government's fault (and the fact that Shkreli is an asshole who took advantage of it). But it was nothing near capitalism nor hyper capitalism. It was overwhelming government regulation. It was exactly what Bernie sanders preaches. It was socialism down to the letter.
Santa will kill us all 18 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
You lost me when you said that 15% of 2 Billion is 3 Billion.
Can't hate 19 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
If you think she's Jar Jar Bink's child, like this comment.
OHGODNO 96 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Some comment threads need to be made into tv episodes. This is one of them.
Not pictured: the destroyed friendships. 9 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
I can honestly say I've never had a game of monopoly end anything like this. Monopoly isn't a violent board game. Risk is a violent board game.
Capitalism 35 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
If you think capitalism is what caused this, then you're clearly not aware of how producing medicine in the US works. The FDA regulation is what allowed him to raise the price that high and get away with it. He had no competition because the government is so deeply involved in the industry that competition can't survive. That's not capitalism. It's closer to socialism. If capitalism truly existed, it never would have happened because there would have been numerous producers of that medicine, and their prices would have all been much lower than his, nobody would have bought his pills, and he would have just lost money by doing that. Keep blaming capitalism if you want more Martin Shkrelis in the world.
Precise Japanese engineering 9 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
But... What about the bits that were lost when it was cut? How is there no gap whatsoever?
Cultural obsessions are weird 15 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
I'll get into sports when quidditch becomes a real thing.
Plants 16 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Are you lonely at heart?
Some of the best words in existence 14 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
That's a cool Oscar Wilde quote...
The best medicine 2 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
He's not wrong