

— thepacifist Report User
Who's your favorite Star Wars character? 28 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
That would have made my day.
I think it's a graeat idea 9 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Star Wars Countdown: 9 Days!!!!! 5 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Autographs at comic con cost $50. That's just kind of a fact.
Hehe 15 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
At 12am PST
(See that PST? That tells everyone else what timezone we are referring to, and everyone else can calculate out what that means for them. It's not really a complicated science.)
4 · Edited 9 years ago
Fine... I'm Going 11 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
I want to get a NES just so I can play this game again.
oh yuuu gut a fwiend in mé 8 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Oh my gosh. This hurt way more than the actual Civil War trailer.
Who's your favorite Star Wars character? 28 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
But Han is definitely number 2.
Who's your favorite Star Wars character? 28 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Vader wins though. He's got the best story, he's the chosen one who fulfills the prophecy in the most unexpected way, he is the most feared person in the entire galaxy, he's the most iconic villain in all of movie history, he has a lightsaber... I could go on.
Who's your favorite Star Wars character? 28 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Is there a link to this video?
I hope I never meet a human 26 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Geez. I betcha humans are in Australia too.
Hehe 15 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Yeah, I'm not gonna click on that link...
Star Wars Countdown: 12 Days!!! 10 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Yes, you are recalling that scene correctly. It was addressed by Robot Chicken here:
However, a plausible explanation is explained here, which I happen to be a fan of:
U.K signing petition to ban Donald from our beautiful lands 19 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Donald Trump is Draco Malfoy
Why does San Francisco have such a low draw distance? 4 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
If my work building hasn't rendered yet, can I go home?
Definition of 'hey' 5 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Wow. I've been saying "Hey" to all the wrong people.
I have created art by sucking on a candy cane... 19 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
I'm confused by some of these comments. Is this not something that everyone does when they eat a candy cane?
Berned 41 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
The big businesses, yeah sure. But not the 27 million small businesses in this country who would hurt the most by Bernie's ridiculous plans. They would all have to raise their prices in order to pay his absurd taxes and minimum wage. They would be forced to let people go entirely. It's basic business principles. I'm sorry you're too thick to wrap your mind around this. You haven't presented any actual arguments here. You say you don't want government intervention, but you also disagree with my argument about market democracy. Yet this whole post is about Bernie sanders, and you're defending him, so it seems like you actually do what government intervention. You seem extremely uninformed when it comes to economics and business. And since you won't listen to people who are well educated, I won't continue to indulge you. I'm unfollowing this thread.
I have created art by sucking on a candy cane... 19 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
You suck.
Berned 41 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
It's hard to follow your argument because your English is so bad, but you are diagnosing the problem incorrectly at its source. The reason those CEOs and senior officers can do that is because they aren't worried about competition because they have deals made with the government. It's called cronyism. That's where the government gets involved. If you think government intervention isn't the answer, then I guess somewhere in there we agree (again, it's hard for me to follow what exactly you're saying). The system we have isn't capitalism, and no it isn't working. What we have is cronyism, corporatism, and a mild brand of socialism. And it doesn't work at all.
Berned 41 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
I'm asking about the dollar amount that people bring in per day.
Nailed it 7 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Not sure where this is, but technically it's illegal here in San Francisco, but everybody does it anyway. It's hard to enforce when every car on the road is doing it.
Berned 41 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Great argument, there. Sounds like you have the reasoning skills of most Bernie Sanders supporters.
Berned 41 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
Guest: quick question. Over the last 20 years, as capitalism has spread more and more throughout the world, has the number of people living in poverty increased or diminished or stayed about the same?
Berned 41 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
But that should be decided in the market, not by some government law. The more power you give to the government, the more freedom they have the power to take away from you. If you don't think juice should cost $3, then don't buy it. If the people as a whole don't think it should cost $3, and they stop buying it, then the juice company will need to lower their prices to stay competitive. It's how the free market works. It's called a democratic market. It keeps businesses in check without giving the government the power to step on everyone. The biggest reason we have inequality today is because the government has gotten so involved in businesses that instead of having to be competitive, businesses only need to suck up to government officials. That's what we need to put an end to. But with Bernie's plan, that will become the ONLY way a company can be successful, thereby destroying all smaller competition and small businesses.
What the author meant 19 comments
thepacifist · 9 years ago
It's true. One of my friends found a quote by the author (I think it was Old Man and the Sea, but it might have been something different. I don't remember. It was like 10 years ago). The quote was the author saying that there is no symbolism and nothing deeper than the surface story. Our english teacher just seemed to glass over and ignore that quote and kept on going as if it didn't matter what the author said about his own story.