The longest receipt ever 5 comments
· 9 years ago
I swear, the fewer items I buy, the longer the receipt I receive.
What the author meant 19 comments
· 9 years ago
Having gone to a private christian school for high school, it was always, "Who do you think the author intended as the Jesus figure in this story?"
Me: "This is The Odyssey! It was written before Jesus was born!!!"
Teacher: *condescending look that says "don't be stupid. there's always a Jesus figure."*
Me: "This is The Odyssey! It was written before Jesus was born!!!"
Teacher: *condescending look that says "don't be stupid. there's always a Jesus figure."*
What the author meant 19 comments
· 9 years ago
I want to become a famous author specifically so I can tell English teachers, "No. That's not what that means."
Berned 41 comments
· 9 years ago
If you think Bernie's plan will only increase taxes for the top 10%, you're thoroughly deceived. Bernie even admitted it in an interview. And history in other countries that he says he wants to duplicate shows the same thing.
Star Wars Countdown: 11 Days!!!! 8 comments
· 9 years ago
And not all stormtroopers were clones by the time of the Empire. Many people enlisted, and I wouldn't be surprised if there was drafting going on too (especially after those rebel terrorists blew up the death star)
Garlic bread 14 comments
Star Wars Countdown: 11 Days!!!! 8 comments
Garlic bread 14 comments
· 9 years ago
If I chop your head off, shoot you with a silver bullet, or stab you in the heart with a wooden stake, will you die?
Garlic bread 14 comments
Garlic bread 14 comments
Become a legend 11 comments
· 9 years ago
No, that's not at all right according to Christianity. Lucifer rebelled against God and wanted the other angels to worship him (lucifer) instead of God. Hell was created as a final punishment for Satan. Satan is not in charge of it. He is only trying to get as many people to end up there as possible because God loves people.
you guys ready for finals? 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Sure they can. Depends on what percentage of the final grade the final is. I've also had teachers who have said that we can drop one of our test grades, specifically to encourage us to do well throughout the semester so we can skip our final.
Star Wars Countdown: 12 Days!!! 10 comments
People who mastered the art of "one face" photos 14 comments
Star Wars Countdown: 13 Days!!! 12 comments
· 9 years ago
That's hilarious because I came very close to using this picture instead: