You can hand write it for all I care 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Thats my goal
What did it ever do to you? 8 comments
· 9 years ago
I just thought I'd point this out, that's a concertina. An accordion is a lot bigger and has piano looking keys
Jesus f*cking Christ, there's more. 6 comments
Haters will say that is photoshop 26 comments
I honestly don't understand 39 comments
· 9 years ago
I will respectfully disagree with Disney at least. Gravity falls is really the only good one on Disney (yeah I know it's on Disney XD but don't worry). But now that that's ending in the new year, yeah, it'll most likely be crap. Also I would like to say that The Amazing World of Gumball" is at least tolerable, it has some good story arcs.
TL;DR: Graviy Falls is the only good one on Disney and The Amazing World Of Gumball is okay on CN
TL;DR: Graviy Falls is the only good one on Disney and The Amazing World Of Gumball is okay on CN
What's this world coming to? 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Okay but you can't use the picture on the right for zombies because that zombie is from the movie "warm bodies" which is a rom com with emphasis on the com part. Not an accurate depiction of zombies now. But hey that's my opinion
don't mind me i'm just a vegetable 36 comments
· 9 years ago
I like how the fact the pumpkin was glossed over for being a fruit, not a vegetable
When a torpedo hits a ship 2 comments
· 9 years ago
What show was this from? I recognize the announcer and the background music but I can't place the dang show. Does anyone know?
The eternal wait 19 comments
· 9 years ago
Waiting for the incredibles 2 like
Waiting for Pokémon go like
Waiting for senpai to notice me like
Waiting for Pokémon go like
Waiting for senpai to notice me like
These Hitler photos in my history book look like promotional shots for a shitty magician 6 comments
· 9 years ago
The nazi bunch
I'm wow okay wow I'm so sorry for that, that was terrible. Instead of it being the Brady bunch, I'm sorry
I'm wow okay wow I'm so sorry for that, that was terrible. Instead of it being the Brady bunch, I'm sorry
When i saw the rendering of the new world trade center 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Technically 3. What happened was after the first two collapsed, a no more than 4 story building fell due to the rubble and fire is the two. Now there was also propane storage in the basement of this bulging (known as WTC3* I believe) that also helped with the collapse. Also part of the pentagon was attacked wrecking one whole side. The third plane was brought down into a field in Pensilvania due to the help of passangers that stopped the hijacking.
*World Trade Center 3
*World Trade Center 3
When Mum says to lay off the junk food 7 comments
Fat acceptance 43 comments
· 9 years ago
The guy without limbs is actually a really cool guy. I couldn't tell you his name but I saw a post about him on here. He's okay with his condition. When kids ask him why he's like that he says "I didn't eat my vegetables" and stuff like that. He surfs, he has a wife, he's just an all around cool guy
"men love a challenge" 26 comments
· 9 years ago
As much as this is right, it's not always. Coming from a guy, if you push him away, he'll try to figure out why. If you act broken, it will give him another reason to stay. If you walk away, he'll want to run after you but Is afraid of what will happen if he does. This only happens if he truly loves you
Great for playing the piano 19 comments
damn samerican horror story 23 comments
· 9 years ago
At least you atmit it, that's good. (In pet voice) Who's a good voldy? You are! Yes you are
the secret life of superhero toys 33 comments
· 9 years ago
I agree with you, if I could have kids seeing how I'm a man. But yeah I'd love to be an assassin
the secret life of superhero toys 33 comments
· 9 years ago
Right! That was the whole point of the sterilization. It makes sense. I almost cried at that point of the movie, I really felt bad for the both of them