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Oh ma lawd 21 comments
theflyingdutchman · 9 years ago
Squad goals 29 comments
theflyingdutchman · 9 years ago
I'd just like to say that recently there had been more killjoy posts and I am grateful for it :3 ...eases the pain THAT FRANKIE LAID OUT ON A SILVER PLATTER ON TWITTER WTF FRANKIE
Keep it up, pope 29 comments
theflyingdutchman · 9 years ago
Slow and steady wins the race. He doesn't just want to officially change the church but also have members believe and support those values too. And a sudden change to new open minded values would turn a large portion of the church away from Catholicism.
One of the biggest struggles of my life 3 comments
theflyingdutchman · 9 years ago
I'm always trying to figure out if that one hot guy is gay. *drinks water to quench thirst*
British soldiers liberated from a Japanese POW camp in Sumatra 26 comments
theflyingdutchman · 9 years ago
At first I thought they were holocaust survivors.
Thug vs Misguided Kid 11 comments
theflyingdutchman · 9 years ago
Well he's wearing a bing add...he can't be trusted.
They get it 28 comments
theflyingdutchman · 9 years ago
Because those are not true feminists. Some true famous feminists Tom Hidleston, Benedict Cumberbatch and I'd say the most prominent one, Emma Watson.
They get it 28 comments
theflyingdutchman · 9 years ago
I understand but feminism is a lot more than that. It's equality for men and women. It's not for first world country girls to yell at guy for holding a door for them. It's to stop things like honour killings and child marriages and opening education to everyone. It's so women can get the freedom to go in public with out a male guardian. It's to stop male sterio typing and letting them not be stopped by society also. So if you don't need it that's cool it's ok but please do not stop supporting the cause because it's so much more than that. So look into it and look at foundations like he for she. See the truth :)
Every father shows his love in his own way 10 comments
theflyingdutchman · 9 years ago
Silly question but I thought they are permanently placed on your head
Black sand beaches are beautiful too 6 comments
theflyingdutchman · 9 years ago
But don't wear a light bathing suit guys
The burpees... Still can't breathe after this 17 comments
theflyingdutchman · 10 years ago
HOW DARE YOU TRY TO MAKE ME EXCERSIZE! I SHALL BE A POPTATOE FOREVER! *deep rumble of a popatoe army saying they'll come later*
Depression 18 comments
theflyingdutchman · 10 years ago
Yeah I feel that professional help is the best way to help and to be their friend and not alienate them in a way. Constant concern would just make them feel even more guilty.
Depression 18 comments
theflyingdutchman · 10 years ago
If you're asking how to help people who are depressed, you just try to be there for them because you can't fix it. I personally keep how I feel secret from one attempt about coming out about my concerns.
Funny magician makes fun of common magic tricks 6 comments
theflyingdutchman · 10 years ago
Hahah who was that?
Depression 18 comments
theflyingdutchman · 10 years ago
This is scary accurate.
So much want 8 comments
theflyingdutchman · 10 years ago
Where's the buy button?
3 · Edited 10 years ago
It's still Canon 16 comments
theflyingdutchman · 10 years ago
Ok I didn't watch legend of kora I was too mad that ang was dead so the avatar could reincarnate as her but could someone explain?
The truth 30 comments
theflyingdutchman · 10 years ago
*grabs popcorn*
Mpgis Day One 7 comments
theflyingdutchman · 10 years ago
This show gives me life
For Jenny McCarthy and the anti-vaxxers 15 comments
theflyingdutchman · 10 years ago
If you actually believe that crap THAT A VACINE CAN CHANGE YOUR DNA and give you a genetic disorder like autism may god have mercy on your soul.
theflyingdutchman · 10 years ago
My teacher is the exact opposite. In my class there are these two kids who always flirt and the girl said something real stupid to the guy and my teacher rolled her eyes and said in a mock Scarlet O'Hara voice "Oh Andrew how DO you spell Montesquieu?" and then grumble something under her breath
Woahh... 9 comments
theflyingdutchman · 10 years ago
A girl has a weave in and didn't brother to layer it or disguise it
Trying to be sneaky and failing 12 comments
theflyingdutchman · 10 years ago
Happened to me once...I learned my lesson