Life with Bob 6 comments
· 11 years ago
If I might put in a suggestion? Study science. It will (at least where I live) give you access to almost any job. While you study, you will probably find out what you like to do, and find a job from that. If you don't, look at all the jobs you could take. Which one seems the most appealing? If you think you can't do it, bullshit. Science is an extremely broad subject, there is something for everyone. If you already graduated in another subject (which doesn't lead you anywhere), study science, you can never learn too much. I guess in the end you won't follow this advise, but I just wanted to help in what way I could. Hugs to you!
It would work! 29 comments
It would work! 29 comments
Just thought I would share some cuddles with Funsubstance! 23 comments
· 11 years ago
I had the same reaction... I was looking for some cute lovestuff before going to sleep (because forever alone level = 100), and this came up. I went *smile, smile, smile... Oh.*
A quick look around 12 comments
It would work! 29 comments
· 11 years ago
Imagine if you got married, and had lots of children and grandchildren, then you could pull out the old book and say: This, kids... This is the book that started it all.
B*tch please. 19 comments
· 11 years ago
Best in the sense of coming up with insults, the worst in sense of being told one.
B*tch please. 19 comments
· 11 years ago
"not even capt jack likes u" Worst insult in all of time and space.
Coolest spoiler I have ever seen 2 comments
I need this 6 comments
Everyone should read THIS. 61 comments
If this meme was German 21 comments
If this meme was German 21 comments
· 11 years ago
In Swedish it's called "vetenskap", which toughly translates into "knowingship".
Dreams~ 7 comments
· 11 years ago
Can I just go to bed with a load of these, watch Netflix and never talk to anyone again? Please?
Everyone should read THIS. 61 comments
· 11 years ago
I want every person in the world to read this. Every. Single. One.
Gotta keep an eye on the kitties 3 comments
I introduce to you, the winner of the Olympuns 7 comments
· 11 years ago
It's a saying (I think, I got it from Doctor Who). You say that the penny is in the air while someone is thinking about a problem (like trying to figure out a pun) and then when they go "Oh!" or similar, solving it, you say that the penny drops. I guess it has something to do with machines where you put a coin in to make it work, and have to wait until it falls down to use said machine. But since English isn't my native language, sayings in English isn't my strongest subjects :)