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RIP little hero 10 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
Oh, you're not an asshole! You can't take on responsibility for everything bad that happens in this world, you just have to take care of yourself and be happy. This boy probably also got cake and presents and had a great day, despite his illness. You just have to find something worth living for, and I strongly recommend crafting (crocheting/knitting). Just grab some cheap yarn and a hook, google some easy patterns and you're good to go! You'll be able to make lots of nice stuff, and if you want to do good, there are several projects going to crochet/knit stuff for sick children. I do it all the time, often while watching TV or on the bus, and I never feel as calm and happy as in those moments.
RIP little hero 10 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
That's my point, coffins shouldn't have to be made in kid sizes. Yeez.
RIP little hero 10 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
That coffin is too small, it's just too small...
This cat sits like a lady 8 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
Hm, that cat's got better posture than I do...
Who else agrees 7 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
Very in peace. Rest important person. Much death. Wow.
Does this really happen??? 60 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
I have three things to say:
1: Thanks for giving me the long wanted answer to this question (seriously, why don't they teach you these things in sex ed?)
2: I have heard that wearing really tight pants can cause reduced fertility.
3: Back in the good ol' days, when you had a tailor sew up your pants here in Sweden, you could ask for "PTV" or "PTH". This means "penis till väster/höger" which translates into "penis to the left/right", depending on which side your penis "preferred", to use Pebble's words :P
Does this really happen??? 60 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
But... How can it hang when you're wearing underwear? Are boys' underwear bigger on the inside or something?
Does this really happen??? 60 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
Yep, it's true. The "where does it go" question is one of the greatest mysteries know to the female population. Sometimes when I'm hanging out with a boy, I stop up and think "Wow... He has a penis." Not even joking.
The look on their faces, priceless 4 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
That dog looks like he's found heaven.
Still trying to process it 9 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
I know, I know... Running out of tea can be such a traumatic experience. Hopefully you will have processed it by summer.
Thought other people would love to know this 10 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
Just google it!
How to stop dog bullying 9 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
Does it work for humans too?
Thought other people would love to know this 10 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
Mediahint is great if you want to watch things from American Netflix!
Doctor Who <3 7 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
He played Casanova before the Doctor, but I agree with you ;) But if you liked him as the Doctor, you should totally watch Casanova, it's almost the same character! (It's on Netflix)
Doctor Who <3 7 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
I like the fact that the picture of David Tennant looking like the "If you know what I mean"-guy is from when he played Casanova.
My friend got a fish. It was not pleased 15 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
"Seriously man? Was that really necessary?"
Switching colors 40 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
I dont really get what you mean, could you explain?
Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas! 31 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
You are most welcome! Merry Christmas, my dear friend! :)
Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas! 31 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
God Jul! :D
Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas! 31 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
Åh nej, det verkar vara ett helt gäng av oss här! En mycket God Jul till dig, kära svenne! :)
This is actually really uplifting 18 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
Yay! :D
This is actually really uplifting 18 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
Are you saying we're not real? :'( (I get what you mean, though ;) )
Is there anyone out there in the Gone Series fandom? 17 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
Oh yes, one of the best book series I've read!
Did you know? 20 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
The bees are disappearing.
guys, it's tomorrow. 27 comments
thealmightyhobbit · 11 years ago
I've been jumping with joy the whole day, because friends of mine managed to get BBC one on their TV (no idea how) and they invited me and my brother over, so we watched it "live", and it was epic! It was amazing! Aaah, I think I'm just gonna fangirl myself to sleep now.