![I'm always here](/images/avatar-guest.jpg)
I mostly just pop up from time to time to correct people
— I'm always here Report User
The Bandits of Iowa 34 comments
· 8 years ago
It's impressive until you're on the wrong end of it.
The Bandits of Iowa 34 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm a 6 foot 17 year old girl with abs, good legs, and arms. I can throw a football 100 feet and often drive through a whole team of boys during flag football. I am terrifying.
The Bandits of Iowa 34 comments
· 8 years ago
Also I can't stress this enough: Gloves gloves gloves WEAR GLOVES FOR CHRIST SAKE. Also if you have time to barry the body, barry it a solid 5 feet below a dead dog or dear or whatnot minimum, better would be 10 feet. If you wanna frame someone, get their finger prints and blood and smear it on all the shit you have. Also if possible, avoid guns. Even guns with suppressor (wrongly called silencers) make loud noises. Use a knife or suffocation. With a knife, a clean cut through the throat will usually do a good job of being silent. Or, my personal favorite, get a working pair of Assasian creed style blades (yes those exist) and do a nice and clean decapitation, or again, knife through the throat.
Edited 8 years ago
The Bandits of Iowa 34 comments
· 8 years ago
Also, if it's REALLY high profile, and you don't leave any evidence behind, it may be a good idea to get some plastic surgery. Also if possible, have multiple drivers set up to take you as far away from the crime as quickly as possible. E.g. 3 drivers in a row on fuel efficent full tank cars can take you pretty far (400+/car). Being in a log cabin in the midwest a day after the crime in LA makes you seem unlikely as the culprit.
The Bandits of Iowa 34 comments
· 8 years ago
Also, if you spill blood, or leave finger prints, or any sort of evidence, AT ALL, run. Run like a motherfucker to (If you're from the US) Canada, Take few things with you, less suspicious. You can have a friend move things to you later. From Canada either go into Latin America to a non-exerditing country or fly to the EU and either change identities their or from Europe go to a non-exerditing country. After you change identities for a solid few years, probably carrying out jobs in europe or latin america, you can return to America as an immigrant.
Edited 8 years ago
The Bandits of Iowa 34 comments
· 8 years ago
*Sweats nervously*
Nah for some reason I have an obsession with hit men, to the point where I genuinely fantasize over it. But no I have never, nor ever plan to, kill someone. This is just some info I've gathered that has probably put me on like 7 watch list.
Edited 8 years ago
Nah for some reason I have an obsession with hit men, to the point where I genuinely fantasize over it. But no I have never, nor ever plan to, kill someone. This is just some info I've gathered that has probably put me on like 7 watch list.
The Bandits of Iowa 34 comments
· 8 years ago
...hunting. Although do make sure you have an actual dear carcus/skin/meat that's fresh.
The Bandits of Iowa 34 comments
· 8 years ago
You want to hid your identity? First, wear fake coloured eye contacts. Like if you have brown eyes wear blue and vice versa. Next, wear a bald cap or a wig. Finally, WEAR SOME GODDAMN GLOVES YE STUPID BASTARD. Also try and contortue your body. E.g. fake tats, piercing,etc.Some more tips: Do not talk about it in plain language over the internet or use your normal account. If its a big heighst, buy a laptop just for that crime, take it to a place with free wifi like Starbucks, have fake accounts already set up. Have some form of codding. Seperate yourself from your accomplice by any means necessary for a minimum a month before you do the act, except for the coded online messaging. Dont call, text, or anything that would associate you together. Why have both of you go down? Also for your weapon, JESUS CHRIST THROW THE DAMN THING AWAY, along with the laptop and such. Make sure you never touched it with your bare hands, and if you did, disinfect the bugger. Also, a really good alibi is..
Only if I can wear a hazmat suit 21 comments
Not sure yet 7 comments
· 8 years ago
No this is the rare rainbow-uni-cat-fly. Native to the magical realm of Canada.
Big cosplay 9 comments
Who's a good boy 5 comments
· 8 years ago
They'll let a doge fly in a seat??? Thought you had to put them in a cage?
Leo the Hero 4 comments
Such a nice statement 8 comments
Homeless Dog Found In Garbage Is Like A Lion 4 comments
Okay, no, I'm not ready to accept this 7 comments
· 8 years ago
No there was a glitch in the matrix and we went in fast forward since 2012
Is this the right way to kiss? 5 comments