![I'm always here](/images/avatar-guest.jpg)
I mostly just pop up from time to time to correct people
— I'm always here Report User
Misuse of the word 2 comments
· 8 years ago
Literally me
If you can vote, you should 14 comments
Drake swapped his hair and beard around 22 comments
Body scans of women at 250 and 120 pounds 12 comments
Introducing LoopAway by FunSubstance 44 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh okay. On an unrelated note, is there a place we can donate to the development of the app for Android and iOS?
Introducing LoopAway by FunSubstance 44 comments
· 8 years ago
Is it gonna be available on Windows Nokia or am I gonna have to get a new phone? Because I need this.
Edited 8 years ago
Body scans of women at 250 and 120 pounds 12 comments
Should've been diet oreo 4 comments
Popcorn on the cob 2 comments
ok 37 comments
· 8 years ago
The Hitler point is absolute bullshit and I fucking hate it when that's used as an argument against Christianity. Stalin was an atheist, and one of the fucking many many many many many many many many groups of people stalin targeted, religious organization were one of them. [insert long reason it was done, TL:DR, communism]. Does that mean everyone who is an atheist is stalin-like? No. Obviously. If you want to argue against a belief, don't target the people who believe it, target the doctrine. (I'm an atheist btw)
Edited 8 years ago
How Your Dog Sees You vs How You See Your Dog 11 comments
· 8 years ago
Cat and dog people can agree on two things:
Dog hair is annoying
Cats are assholes.
Dog hair is annoying
Cats are assholes.
Feel the bern 23 comments
· 8 years ago
Well id like to mention that Bernie isn't a communist nor is he spreading communist ideologies, he is a democratic socialist, which is a mix of capitalism and socialism (yes that is possible). He wants a Scandinavian style system/Canadian system. He wants no where near the USSR or any of Marxist ideologies. Also the concept of socialism in its most recognized form was made my Karl Marx as the precursor to communism. But Bernie is so far from either of those its actually quite ridiculous he would be equated to them. That's not my opinion, that's just basic poly Sci terms.
My type of comfy 6 comments