Yue 13 comments
· 7 years ago
No, you’re lying to me. That episode can’t have aired 12 whole years ago. That... that’s so long ago. Please no...
Depression jokes can only be made online 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Among peers in a learning environment is like one of the few irl places where depression jokes are understood.
Virgin logic 15 comments
Obama and the memes 3 comments
16 Parents Share Their Dramatic "Before and After Kids" Photos 17 comments
· 7 years ago
So I want to have kids one day (2 max) and my friend says she will never want to have kids. And for her, I think its good. She doesn’t like kids, labor is hell, and raising kids is expensive and stressful (even more stressful while holding a job). It works for her to not want kids and I totally get why. My thing is that I absolutely love children. I love the idea of raising a child and helping them explore the world. The only thing that would deter me from this is finances and the idea of going through labor. Every woman is different and it is ok whether she wants to have children or not. She is no less or more of a woman because of her choice.
Perfect cut 3 comments
· 7 years ago
If that was covered I wouldnt believe it if anyone said is was all one picture
I know it's there, and I want it 9 comments
The song's ok...The visuals are where it's at 13 comments
Admit it 2 comments
· 7 years ago
I think its really cool how we can choose not to focus our eyes. During the day it feels like they automatically do it, but when we are tired we can do the thing in the post and just not see clearly. I just think that’s fascinating.
Since it’s sunday 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I like this. This also very coincidental as we talked about that attac in service today. What are the chances?
Edited 7 years ago
This is my new favourite insult 6 comments
What's the formula for a chip? 3 comments