Using it wrong 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Dang, that's a powerful illustration
I can relate 6 comments
It's science, don't argue with it! 8 comments
Disney's Unhappily Ever Efter Endings 34 comments
· 8 years ago
This puts things in perspective about how our fantasies would never hold up in our reality
When you have two daughters 9 comments
Time to buy new ones...Again 12 comments
· 8 years ago
So true. There's a specific section of dark colored underwear in my drawer only for that time, so I keep the nice underwear unstained
Massive BBQ in Australia 11 comments
Thanks for taking this one Harley :) 5 comments
I learn new things everyday 27 comments
· 8 years ago
Yes, she did. But, the courts only believed her after someone was sent to witness her third child being born (she was heavily pregnant) and see that the baby immediately got a blood test- one that also did not match Lydia's DNA.
I learn new things everyday 27 comments
· 8 years ago
We read an article about this in Forensics class. Chimera people are more likely to develop auto immune disorder- where the immune system attack the body's own cells because it doesn't recognize them and declares the cells a threat. Having two different DNA in the body causes the immune system to attack cells with one set of DNA because it only recognizes cells with the other DNA
don't know what to make of this..... 4 comments
The dilemma is real 11 comments