I love the USA, the great state of Texas and funsubstance
— texasranger Report User
Tablecloths serve no practical purpose 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Our table is considered an heirloom so we take measures to protect it.
Tablecloths serve no practical purpose 8 comments
· 6 years ago
They do actually. If you have a really nice dinner table like my family does (its 100 yrs old). It helps preserve and protect the surface from damage like from knives, spilt wine and small children.
Edited 6 years ago
Hydra 7 comments
Getting chased in Australia 5 comments
Jungle stitches 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Thats so fucking metal. Hey cut yourself lets have the this insect bite the hell out your wound and then tear off the body leaving its jaws intact.
The sad truth 8 comments
I guess I know why I'm single now 3 comments
· 6 years ago
I havnt had a relationship longer than a month for almost 2 yeara i think I've been cursed.
Wired thought they could get away click-bait attacking Tolkein 8 comments
· 6 years ago
There are several theories on the origin of orcs. The one used in the films was "they were elves once... Taken by the dark powers (morgoth) tortured and mutilated. Now perfected my fighting uruk hai" -Sarumon
Hello, beautiful 5 comments
· 6 years ago
I see the value of learning to sail a masted ship. But given that we dont use masted ships in war would training on one be redundant
Edited 6 years ago
You've betrayed me 5 comments
The only thing that can stop us is vietnamese farmers 10 comments
· 6 years ago
We won every engagment but lost the war due to poor leadership and failed policies. The pentagon believed that if they killed enough people they could not only curb the Norths ability to continue but also destroy their will. What it did was destroy the american peoples will to continue and the north vietnamese knew that and would rather die than give up. Tactically we won every battle. But we wouldnt hold the ground like in korea or ww2. We would show up kill hundreds and leave and the NVA would bring in reinforcements to take the same damn hill that 30 marines just died to take.
The only thing that can stop us is vietnamese farmers 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Ill kick your ass. Ill kick his ass. Ill kick everyones ass. Ill kick MY OWN ASS!!!
I bet he doesn't kiss ya 5 comments
Oh wow 11 comments
· 6 years ago
Ive never seen such a plantant attempt to deceive the public. We all know russia is bigger than africa.
Edit: blatant
Edited 6 years ago
Edit: blatant