I love the USA, the great state of Texas and funsubstance
— texasranger Report User
Yes we can! 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Would that be considered a new letter or does it just change the pronunciation like an accent. Any german speak care to confirm. Or Nordic or dutch yall have em too dont yall
Split Texas, merge Texas again, call it Giga Texas 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Im 90% sure that WV split because of slave politics and representation of slave vs non in the US Government. Because there were slave states that didnt secceed. Maryland for example.
How do I reassert my dominance? 8 comments
· 6 years ago
You could pull a Machiavelli but people look down on that sort of thing.
Split Texas, merge Texas again, call it Giga Texas 9 comments
· 6 years ago
So if they want to do it. north and south Dakota's legislatures have to agree on it. And the US Congress approve it and the Pres sign off on it? So difficult not impossible.
Kids from usa 2 comments
· 6 years ago
But what if its a child in the US but wasnt MADE in the US. What if I made my child in say Colombia can I have the bag???
Split Texas, merge Texas again, call it Giga Texas 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Im not sure about that cuz wasnt west virginia totally not a thing until the civil war or after I dont know.
Hats off to all the people who get it, including Moata 13 comments
· 6 years ago
There are two kinds of guys that sleep with lots of women. "Studs" and "fuck boys" the difference lies in method and attitude.
Split Texas, merge Texas again, call it Giga Texas 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Dont mess with Texas. Besides if we split texas and put it back together. Wed just call it texas cuz we're too damn proud to change
I really can't f**ken belive there's such heartless people out there 31 comments
· 6 years ago
Yeah i totally get that. Women almost get hostile to short guys for being short. I dont get it
*insert 'Nam flashback here* 3 comments
I really can't f**ken belive there's such heartless people out there 31 comments
· 6 years ago
Ok honest question. I get it that girls like tall men. But why the short hate? What is it about us men under 5'10 that a person may find so repulsive that they feel compelled to say such things?
"Pew pew pew"- Murica' 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Hey you'd want guns too if you had opossums in your backyard/attic. Fuckers are mean
Edited 6 years ago
Military recruiters 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Depends on branch and program and the administration. Intel for the Navy is harder to get into than Marine Corps Infantry.
This school is crazy 7 comments
· 6 years ago
By that same logic no clothing honoring police officers or military veterans. So no veterans/armistice day at that school.
Edited 6 years ago
Europeans can relate 20 comments
· 6 years ago
Most americans arent bothered by grammer mistakes we know english is a bitch to learn. Those who are are usually picking a fight or plain ignorant. We just get annoyed when x person gets mad at us for not speaking their language just like everyone else.
Adding on to @guest_ myself and alot of my friends speak some spanish. We have to given our proximity to mexico in our part of the country. I worked in food service and some employees only spoke spanish so i learned. Am i fluent far from it. But we try. I cant speak for all americans but thats the culture trend down here.
Edited 6 years ago
Adding on to @guest_ myself and alot of my friends speak some spanish. We have to given our proximity to mexico in our part of the country. I worked in food service and some employees only spoke spanish so i learned. Am i fluent far from it. But we try. I cant speak for all americans but thats the culture trend down here.
Europeans can relate 20 comments
· 6 years ago
You right. I ment that only cuz all our documents and such are published in english standardized tests are written in English
Edited 6 years ago